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JP's quotes say it all about last year's coaching


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We may never know all the details and behind the scenes stuff but it would be fascinating to trace the descent of the Bills into the toilet last season. Maybe someone could use it to write a book, "How Not to be a Head Coach."

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They played like they had cheeseburgers in the huddle.



That cheeseburger idea was retarded. If MM had any bit of a good strength & conditioning coach/nutritionist on his staff he would have been informed that eating a cheeseburger or anything that fatty within 24 hours of a high energy need type of activity is extremely bad.


Fast food causes your liver/kidneys and just about every other organ to go "What the fu_k did you just do to me?" Football is very demanding to begin with so throwing a cheeseburger or two in the mix just causes the body to have to work harder to accomplish the same thing.


I can guarantee that the negative physical effects of ingesting cheeseburgers far outweighed the endorphin laden false sense of happiness that the players got when eating them.


MM really was an idiot for alot of reasons, this was always a glaring one in my opinion. These are grown men Mikey, not 2nd graders. (albeit some do possess the IQ of 2nd graders)

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Not re-signing Pat Williams in hindsight was a big mistake.  He had a good year last year and looks to have another good one THIS year.  Without him the defense fell apart as well.  So given that, the release of Bledsoe, and crappy play-calling from Mularkey, the Bills were doomed from the start.  Add-in Spikes' injury and you got a 5-11 season.



Last I heard Pat was in doubt to make the team due to a weight problem.

Of course this was months ago so I could be mistaken.

I still love the guy though.

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