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Beebe Video


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Al Michaels mentioned the land-on-his-head hit that Beebe took in the playoff game against the Browns. 


Ouch.  I remember that like it was yesterday.





Yep. He bounced on his head like a pogo stick. It still gives me shivers. :wacko:


I seem to recall that they ruled it a catch becasue he had control when the top of his helmet first bounced off the ground.

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Yep. He bounced on his head like a pogo stick. It still gives me shivers. :wacko: 


I seem to recall that they ruled it a catch becasue he had control when the top of his helmet first bounced off the ground.




Didn't he land on his head in a game at Houston too?

I think it was 1989. It went to over time and the Bills won something like 48-43....

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Yep. He bounced on his head like a pogo stick. It still gives me shivers. ;) 


I seem to recall that they ruled it a catch becasue he had control when the top of his helmet first bounced off the ground.



Actually it was ruled incomplete, as the ball came out before he was ruled down. (dam zebras) , you would think the top of your nogin would be as good as a knee,but noooooo.

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anyone seen this one yet?




think any of our current WR's would have the balls to catch/hang onto that one!


prob not.



hell of a catch, how was that ruled incomplete by the official though? I know instant replay wasn't around in that season but god that was obviously a blown call. ;) All Donahoe's fault there for bribing the ref

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