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  Gavin said:
Bob Seger- Live Bullet



I can't believe that it took until post 17 to come up with the correct answer!


I have a Mahavishnu Orch bootleg from SU's skytop lounge that dates from 71 or so, also have a James Taylor from the same era from the jabberwocky at SU...God I love DIME!!!!!


  NotStuckonStupid said:
I thought this would be a intereating topic.


1. The new Led Zeppelin 3 disk set. How the West was Won.

2. Jethro tull- Bursting  Out.

3. The Who Live at Leeds

4. Bowie- Ziggy Stardust the movie

5. Allman bros. live at  the fillmore.

6. Mahavishnu Orchestra- Between Nothingness and Nowhere

7. Rush- Different Stages

8. Pink Floyd- Is anybody Out there

9. Any Led Zeppelin Soundboard Bootleg from 1975. There is about 7 of Them.

10. A Pink floyd Bootleg from 1975. Its A Aud recording from LA.


And the Last One For now is

11. A Rush Bootleg from 1978. A Desert Passage Tuson Az.



not a nirvana fan, but the unplugged really did give me a huge appreciation for them and allow me to look past the hype and actually listen to them.


  My Friends Call Me Tebucky said:
-Any of the three commercially released Velvet Underground live albums.


-Nirvana Unplugged in NY (even if you're not a Nirvana fan, you can't deny the power of it). The unplugged shows of Pearl Jam (bootleg) and Alice in Chains (commercial release) are also great- yeah, I'm a child of grunge.


-Neil Young- Live Rust


-Tragically Hip- Live Between Us


-Cash- Folsom Prison



  NotStuckonStupid said:
The Sound track From the Led Zeppelin DVD. They would blow any new band off the stage.



Indeed. I wonder why they didn't use the clip of "the Ocean" from MSG in 73 for the Song Remains the Same? It's a great clip.

Another thing that irritates me is that page wore that blue satin shirt at Knebworth that was completely soaked with sweat halfway through the first song. Yuck!

  TheMadCap said:
Indeed. I wonder why they didn't use the clip of "the Ocean" from MSG in 73 for the Song Remains the Same? It's a great clip.

Another thing that irritates me is that page wore that blue satin shirt at Knebworth that was completely soaked with sweat halfway through the first song. Yuck!


The Knebworth stuff was out of order. Sick again was at the end of the 3+ hours of the show. The Royal Albert hall stuff was really good also. What suprised me the most was how much Page moved around the Stage.

  true_blue_bill said:
Aren't there any good NEW bands? I mean like in the last 10 years that have made any good music?



Not live, nobody knows how to play instruments anymore. They lipsync on treadmills. :w00t:

  NotStuckonStupid said:
The Knebworth stuff was out of order. Sick again was at the end of the 3+ hours of the show. The Royal Albert hall stuff was really good also. What suprised me the most was how much Page moved around the Stage.




True, but Rock n Roll was the first song of the set and halfway through it Page is drenched. ewwww....


#1- Rolling Stones "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out" (the real kings of grunge)

#2- Neil Young "Live Rust"

#3- Who "Live at Leeds"

#4- Gram Parsons & the Fallen Angels

#5- Faces "Overtures and Unedertures/Coast to Coast"

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