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Is that number 55% of the vote?



My understanding was that it was whatever percentage of the vote that gave the candidate victory. Bush wins with 49% of the popular vote...Bush has a mandate. :)


Or maybe I'm just cynical...

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My understanding was that it was whatever percentage of the vote that gave the candidate victory.  Bush wins with 49% of the popular vote...Bush has a mandate.  :)


Or maybe I'm just cynical...





I think that is GWB's story. Maybe terrorist acts automactically give it to you?


Anyway, I feel we are skating on political thin ice. We can't continue down this road.


We can't continue to polarize, unstability follows.


GWB had four years to "fringe" the other side and bring in the middle. He failed. Change horses. He is never going to do it.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT


I think that is GWB's story.  Maybe terrorist acts automactically give it to you?


Anyway, I feel we are skating on political thin ice.  We can't continue down this road.


We can't continue to polarize, unstability follows.


GWB had four years to "fringe" the other side and bring in the middle.  He failed.  Change horses.  He is never going to do it.



He chose the wrong people, and when he chose one right person (Colin Powell), he treated him like dung.

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Anyway, I feel we are skating on political thin ice. We can't continue down this road.


We can't continue to polarize, unstability follows.


it will be interesting.


It started with Clinton, who a lot of people really, really hated. That made the dems do the same thing but worse to Bush, and if Kerry wins it could get even uglier....

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there is no majic %. The mandate goes to the winner...period.



I'd agree with the "No magic number" part. Only b/c with the electoral college system, the percentage is irrelevant. It depends on the states, which is a bunch of crap for a national office.


That's something that chaps my ass about all of these polls that come out that essentially tell us nothing.


That made the dems do the same thing but worse to Bush



One could legitimately argue that Bush did that his ownself.... :lol:

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