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"Storyline you'll hear in December: To Quinn or not to Quinn?


Many NFL experts are prognosticating that the Bills will end the season among the NFL's bottom five teams. And that will put them in the middle of the Brady Quinn sweepstakes. Quinn is Notre Dame's stud quarterback and very likely a top draft pick in February. Storyline A will probably follow the Bills' final few games and see them needing losses over wins in order to get a shot at snagging Quinn. Storyline B will be whether or not the Bills should give up on the relatively unseasoned yet mostly ineffective Losman. "




That story reads as though it were written in March. Anyone who has watched these games and practices even remotely saw that Losman won the job, it wasn't handed to him. Not to mention that he LOOKS different on the field than he did last year. I don't have that "Oh crap" feeling nearly as often.


It's funny to me how the journalists hedge their bets. The Bills projected win total has been creeping up the past 2 weeks or so around the football universe based on what people have seen thus far.


This guy wanted to be first in line to say he predicted JP shouldn't be the QB, that we need Quinn and he said it in August. Of course if he turns out to be decent he'll flip flop. This has ceased to be journalism. It's ESPN in print.


Unaldulterated garbage. Reads like a compilation of all the bad things the writer could glean from the football mags dressed up in a cutesey style. You can be sure the writer wasn't within a country mile of Bills' camp or, if he was, he had a bag over HIS head.


This story has no credibility to it. When I was reading I checked to make sure it wasn't Roth or Sal, and it wasn't . It read like a newbie with no knowledge looking to make a name for himself. This may have been one of the most ingnorantly written pieces I have seen in quite some time.

This story has no credibility to it.  When I was reading I checked to make sure it wasn't Roth or Sal, and it wasn't .  It read like a newbie with no knowledge looking to make a name for himself.  This may have been one of the most ingnorantly written pieces I have seen in quite some time.


Honestly, and not just because I disagree with alot of it. It really is crap that's cobbled together from articles written 6 months ago. Absolutely no new interpretations or insights based on what's actually ocurring now.


The story was written by Tim Karan, who writes for the Rochester Insider, a weekly entertainment supplement to the D&C. He reviews movies and music for the Insider that are full of sarcasm and "wit". Pretty much trashes anything that is mainstream.


So he has a ton of credability.


"Storyline you'll hear in December: To Quinn or not to Quinn?


Many NFL experts are prognosticating that the Bills will end the season among the NFL's bottom five teams. And that will put them in the middle of the Brady Quinn sweepstakes. Quinn is Notre Dame's stud quarterback and very likely a top draft pick in February. Storyline A will probably follow the Bills' final few games and see them needing losses over wins in order to get a shot at snagging Quinn. Storyline B will be whether or not the Bills should give up on the relatively unseasoned yet mostly ineffective Losman. "


:doh:  :doh:  :doh:



First it looks like the article was written last year, secondly it's poorly written: "the relatively unseasoned yet mostly ineffective Losman" is all you need to read. Here's a hint, being unseasoned would suggest that his play would be ineffective, using "yet" suggests otherwise.


What does it take to be a sportwriter these days? Apparently you don't need to know anything about sports nor do you need to be able to write.

The story was written by Tim Karan, who writes for the Rochester Insider, a weekly entertainment supplement to the D&C. He reviews movies and music for the Insider that are full of sarcasm and "wit". Pretty much trashes anything that is mainstream.


So he has a ton of credability.


Upon first glance, I assumed it was a (poorly written) letter to the editor.


Close enough...


These people are writing out of there ass! Im sure they havent checked up on the teams progression at all theyre just picking up where we left up last year.

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