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"senority"... come on!

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Today's Rochester article quotes Jauron as saying that defensive tackle Anderson will likely retain his starting position based on senority. I understand there is a place for this, but how about playing the best producers, regardless where they stand on senority? I really like Jauron so far but I don't agree with this thought process.

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Today's Rochester article quotes Jauron as saying that defensive tackle Anderson will likely retain his starting position based on senority. I understand there is a place for this, but how about playing the best producers, regardless where they stand on senority? I really like Jauron so far but I don't agree with this thought process.



i think senority to jauron means experience.


i just wonder when anthony thomas is going to be named starting running back. :devil:

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Today's Rochester article quotes Jauron as saying that defensive tackle Anderson will likely retain his starting position based on senority. I understand there is a place for this, but how about playing the best producers, regardless where they stand on senority? I really like Jauron so far but I don't agree with this thought process.



Anderson played quite well in the last game. I think DJ was just talking about the lineup for this upcoming game against DET, but I'm not sure if the D&C made that clear.

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Today's Rochester article quotes Jauron as saying that defensive tackle Anderson will likely retain his starting position based on senority. I understand there is a place for this, but how about playing the best producers, regardless where they stand on senority? I really like Jauron so far but I don't agree with this thought process.


if that's his thought process for pre-season, i have no issues with that. As long as it doesn't carry into the regular season.

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if that's his thought process for pre-season, i have no issues with that.  As long as it doesn't carry into the regular season.


But what if KW & TA are performing at the same level at the moment?

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I am liking Jauron more and more and more. When guys are close, he seems to move them in and out of the starting line-up very often. This keeps them fighting for the starting job as hard as they can. Gives them experience with the starting unit, and the coaches able to see them play with the starting unit. But he does it only in select positions. Notice he's not trying to do it with the offensive line because it needs the cohesion of playing together, even though Preston and Villarial are pretty close.

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They're both gonna play about the same anyways, so it doesn't really matter. Personally, somewhere down the line I'd like to add a bigger body for short yardage situations at the very least at DT.



Agree.....It has been stated that the top 4 tackles are all going to be getting alot of PT in this system anyway, so having Tripplett, McCargo, Anderson, and Williams all moving in and out of the lineup to stay fresh is an interesting rotation

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Today's Rochester article quotes Jauron as saying that defensive tackle Anderson will likely retain his starting position based on senority. I understand there is a place for this, but how about playing the best producers, regardless where they stand on senority? I really like Jauron so far but I don't agree with this thought process.



Patience. DJ's a players coach and IMO, this move's a show of support for the vets. By week four, we'll see who's in the lineup...

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