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Jim Kelly on Best Damn right now

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Talking about rookies in camp and how if they act up that the veterans never hesitated to put them in there place. Jim had a great swagger about him, if JP learns anything from anyone its to have some sac on the fiels ala JK. If he displays some balls the others will follow and that will create more confidence.

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Yeah and he hosted last night also, think he's going to be a guest host at least all this week. Marv will be on tomorrow night as a guest. Should be a lot of Bills Talk with Jimbo and Marv on the show.

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...if JP learns anything from anyone its to have some sac on the fiels ala JK. If he displays some balls the others will follow and that will create more confidence.


I've heard people say about JP: He's a great natural athlete and he is smart, but sometimes he tends to do things his way instead of the "right" way. I actually found this encouraging. This is one of those paradoxical things that one ends up saying about great winners/leaders. It made me think of JK (and Favre and a few other people). These are the confident, creative people who are not afraid to set a higher standard.

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I've heard people say about JP:  He's a great natural athlete and he is smart, but sometimes he tends to do things his way instead of the "right" way.  I actually found this encouraging.  This is one of those paradoxical things that one ends up saying about great winners/leaders.  It made me think of JK (and Favre and a few other people).  These are the confident, creative people who are not afraid to set a higher standard.



What really gets me is that when JK threw a pick it never deturred him from throwing the same pass to the same guy in the same spot. JK had alot of resolve so did marino and all the greats did. Thats how you earn respect and confidence from your teammates. I forgot who said it but to play QB you have to be completely fearless if not you start questioning yourself and so does everyone else. If JP can gain confidence he can be a great QB. Until then he will be mediocre.

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What really gets me is that when JK threw a pick it never deturred him from throwing the same pass to the same guy in the same spot. JK had alot of resolve so did marino and all the greats did. Thats how you earn respect and confidence from your teammates. I forgot who said it but to play QB you have to be completely fearless if not you start questioning yourself and so does everyone else. If JP can gain confidence he can be a great QB. Until then he will be mediocre.




I also loved the way Jim would try to lay the wood on any DB who intercepted one of his passes. One of the best tackles that I have ever seen was when Jim with his linebacker mentality delivered a bone crunching tackle after an INT.

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I've heard people say about JP:  He's a great natural athlete and he is smart, but sometimes he tends to do things his way instead of the "right" way.  I actually found this encouraging.  This is one of those paradoxical things that one ends up saying about great winners/leaders.  It made me think of JK (and Favre and a few other people).  These are the confident, creative people who are not afraid to set a higher standard.




It may have worked for Kelly and Favre, but it got Drew Bledsoe crucified...remember how "fans" reacted when Bledsoe proclaimed the Bills were "my team".... :)


I can't think of a single quote, or action that was more overreacted to, and blown out of all proportion and context, at least on TSW (you listening Rico!!!), by Bills fans...lets hope JP knows what to say to keep everyone happy!

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It may have worked for Kelly and Favre, but it got Drew Bledsoe crucified...remember how "fans" reacted when Bledsoe proclaimed the Bills were "my team".... :)


I can't think of a single quote, or action that was more overreacted to, and blown out of all proportion and context, at least on TSW (you listening Rico!!!), by Bills fans...lets hope JP knows what to say to keep everyone happy!


Granted--it's a fine line to walk. Basically, if you get results, you're a genius; if you fail, you're burned at the stake.

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