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Vraebel slamming Bledsoe to the turf

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Why the !@#$ didn't the ref throw the god damn flag?


He was literally 5 feet from the incident.


I guess that shows you what the league thinks of Brady; Fletcher tries to sack him and roughing the passer is called. Meanwhile, the play is blown dead, and Vraebel is allowed to bodyslam our QB.


I'd also like to add that if Aaron Schoebel has any integrity at all, then he'll give Ralph Wilson his money back. I honestly don't think he'd crack the two deep rotation here at State. This guy sucks.

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Ooh, I know this one!


It's on the tip of my tongue...


I got it!


It's because no penalty was commited on the play, and you're just looking for excuses, right?


What do I win?



No need to be snide to the poster, HD... :)


I didn't see the game, but if DB was heavily body-slammed albeit legally, that's a good time for teammates to see red and start something, IMO...taking an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty now and again is not always unwise. :angry:

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Ooh, I know this one!


It's on the tip of my tongue...


I got it!


It's because no penalty was commited on the play, and you're just looking for excuses, right?


What do I win?


Umm, technically it WAS illegal. The whistle was blown for the false start, and the Patriot came around and tackled DB anyway. I've seen that called at least 80% of the time.


But it wasn't, and life goes on. Hardly a game changing moment.



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Get a god damn life, you miserable sack of stevestojan.


It amazes me why you post here. If your life is that empty that you have to sit around and post pithy comments on a BUFFALO BILLS board (when you aren't a fan) then you obviously have a void in your life that needs to be filled. And don't feed me that "Oh, this is a great football board, blah blah blah." You're pathetic, and in the back of your own mind, you know it. B word.


Seriously, you need a hobby.


I've got a suggestion for you. Why don't you try attempting suicide?

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It was a bad no-call. First, it's usually called, so giving the Patriots a different set of rules than everyone else makes no sense. Second, two very poor calls went against the Bills; so the officiating should at least keep that in mind when deciding whether to give someone the benefit of the doubt.


If you take away the Fletcher penalty and give us the Dillon fumble, then chances are we win.

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My complete and total apology for the snide comments. I though the original poster was talking about the Vrabel sack late in the game. I had completely forgotten about the earlier play that he was referring to. Now you know why I was so incredulous at first. Again, I most sincerly apologize. :)


As for that play, I imagine that the ref simply assumed Vrabel hadn't heard the whistle, which is a perfectly reasonable assumption, given how loud RWS can get.

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My complete and total apology for the snide comments.  I though the original poster was talking about the Vrabel sack late in the game.  I had completely forgotten about the earlier play that he was referring to.  Now you know why I was so incredulous at first.  Again, I most sincerly apologize. :)


As for that play, I imagine that the ref simply assumed Vrabel hadn't heard the whistle, which is a perfectly reasonable assumption, given how loud RWS can get.



The ref blows the whistle/signal... The only thing he assumes is that the players HEAR it. They don't, they get a penalty! End of story.


Next time I let a 9,000 ton tow out of the lock and a 19' pleasure craft attempts to enter against the approaching tow, I'll think I say nothing, assuming that maybe he never saw the signal (flashing red light). :angry::(


Wait a second... I will be a screaming mother effer in order to stop property damage and loss of life. Maybe he'll (the PC) will lose its turn in the lockage order (that is called a penalty).


I think they need louder whistles.

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As for that play, I imagine that the ref simply assumed Vrabel hadn't heard the whistle, which is a perfectly reasonable assumption, given how loud RWS can get.



I forgot to add...


If this isn't some totally "Pat cooking" BS.


THE BILLS WERE ON OFFENSE AT HOME! You should be able to hear Belichek thinking.


A total crock and perfectly UNREASONABLE assumption.

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