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To everyone who wants to cut Holcomb


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There have been a lot of people lately that I have seen in various threads wondering why Kingsbury was cut and saying that the Bills won't keep Holcomb as the #3 QB.


I beg to differ.


According to the Bills Daily cap page, Holcomb currently costs us $925,000. If we cut him, he will cost us $1,500,000 against the cap.


It doesn't make sense for us to cut a guy when its actually going to cost us more, especially when he's a pretty good #3 QB, probably the best #3 in the NFL. This is, of course, provided Nall wins the #2 job.

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It is an option the Bills have because they are under the salary cap this year and can take the cap hit for Holcomb.


The only reason he doesn't stay is because they Bills are being nice to him for his previous service to them and show respect by releasing him to a team that will atleast give him a better chance at playing regularly.


I doubt KH wants to be the 3rd stringer and would want to atleast go to somewhere that he can be a backup so he may ask them for his release if Nall gets moved into the #2 spot.


The Bills may want to keep him also because he provides some veteran leadership to a position lacking a veteran. (Like Shane Matthews did) I think he is on the downside of his career and likely would not catch on anywhere else at something higher then the #2 spot but he may feel otherwise and want the chance to leave.

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