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Andre Agassi


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omg, anyone who says that about tennis is totally clueless....I coulndn't agree with you more. You use muscles you never thought you had, and in all parts of your body....you have to have excellent coordination and timing....you have to have a solid repetoire of shots, many of which are NOT easy to make.....it's one of the greatest sports in the world, IMO. My signature shot used to be an inside-out forehand....I don't know why, but I used to be able to KILL people with that shot every time. I used a wilson pro-staff with an 85" head (same as Sampras), and that thing was deadly accurate if you got the right tension in the strings. Most people use larger heads, but I loved the control I had with the smaller one, and I had a lot of natural power. I LOVED playing that sport growing up....


On top of that, if you want to meet some pretty girls, PLAY TENNIS! lol



you're damn right tennis is a lot of fun. altho i have no one to play against down here. got some people i can hit with, but no one with a decent skill level. My signature shot was my 2-handed backhanded. could go cross court or rip ti up the line. The downfall in my game is that i serve like a 12 year old girl.

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Agassi is playing his heart out, i just hate seeing him go down like this. I hate having to see him play out whats probably his last match in as much pain and as hobbled as he is. I'd rather have seen him go out guns blazing against roddick or one of the other top seeds.


Still, if this is it today for Andre, hats off to him. Its been a hell of a ride!

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you're damn right tennis is a lot of fun. altho i have no one to play against down here. got some people i can hit with, but no one with a decent skill level. My signature shot was my 2-handed backhanded. could go cross court or rip ti up the line. The downfall in my game is that i serve like a 12 year old girl.



first of all, thanks for the head's up that the match was on...I wasn't even going to turn it on until later today :wub:


And yeah, if you have a solid set of skills, it can be really hard to find someone else to give you a game. I've had friends that would say somethiing like, "Oh come on, it's not that hard to hit a ball back and forth....let's go play." We'd get out on the court and it would be almost a total waste of time, lol. I guess people think it's like badmitton or something.... :D Tennis is NOT an easy game....there's a reason why you rarely see anyone in the top of the rankings who picked up the game in HS or college or whatever. Almost w/out exception, they had a racket in hand at a very early age.


I hear ya bout the serve issue, too...I have a very consistent second serve, but while my first serve will put a hole in your chest I tend to have very little accurcy with it. Usually it's just fundamentals when I take a step back and think about it....I'm not getting my toss up high enough...I'm not going up enough to make contact (i.e. I'm going too forward in my movement), stuff like that. Like AD said, it's the toughest shot to develop.


Glad to hear some folks on here are into the game, though! I wish we lived closer...we could play poker, watch some SW, and play a little tennis so I could get my fat arse back in shape! lol



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Toughest part of the game to learn.


You are right. I've been playing for about 7 yrs and I still don't quite have it down. My problem is getting the toss in the right place.


I missed seeing Agassi play today. Hopefully they will replay the match some time.

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Agassi's farewell was one of the most geninue, emotional outpourings I've ever seen in sports. Maybe the most...the standing O lasted forever and Agassi couldn't stop the tears. The match itself was riveting. As bad as I was pulling for Andre, it was obvious that he was tiring more and more with each passing minute and he knew it too. Despite that, he didn't get blown out of the water. He still had a shot.


It just wasn't happening for him today, but I'm glad he at least made his final match a competitive one. Anyone who didn't catch it (and cares) should hope that they replay it on Classic soon. I'm sure they will.

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Agassi's farewell was one of the most geninue, emotional outpourings I've ever seen in sports.  Maybe the most...the standing O lasted forever and Agassi couldn't stop the tears.  The match itself was riveting.  As bad as I was pulling for Andre, it was obvious that he was tiring more and more with each passing minute and he knew it too.  Despite that, he didn't get blown out of the water.  He still had a shot.


It just wasn't happening for him today, but I'm glad he at least made his final match a competitive one.  Anyone who didn't catch it (and cares) should hope that they replay it on Classic soon.  I'm sure they will.



Yep, when I saw him sitting down after the match and start to tear up, I lost it....it's like I told Ramius, if just WATCHING it we get this messed up over it, imagine how intense it is for Andre. I thought what he said to everyone was great, and even as I write this I feel like I've lost a friend, lol. It's funny cause now that I'm 34, there are examples of athletes that I literally feel as though I've been with them the whole time. When you're a kid growing up, chances are you followed sports stars who were playing before you could remember. But I'm at the age when some athletes begin to hang it up, and so in a stupid way it feels like I'M retiring from something, lol. I grew up watching guys like McEnroe, Connors, Edberg, Becker, Lendl, etc....and that was some great tennis back then. But Andre was the first guy who was more like my peer....so to see him leave the game is all the more emotional. I know it sounds stupid, lol....I'll miss the guy, though!

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Yep, when I saw him sitting down after the match and start to tear up, I lost it....it's like I told Ramius, if just WATCHING it we get this messed up over it, imagine how intense it is for Andre. I thought what he said to everyone was great, and even as I write this I feel like I've lost a friend, lol. It's funny cause now that I'm 34, there are examples of athletes that I literally feel as though I've been with them the whole time. When you're a kid growing up, chances are you followed sports stars who were playing before you could remember. But I'm at the age when some athletes begin to hang it up, and so in a stupid way it feels like I'M retiring from something, lol. I grew up watching guys like McEnroe, Connors, Edberg, Becker, Lendl, etc....and that was some great tennis back then. But Andre was the first guy who was more like my peer....so to see him leave the game is all the more emotional. I know it sounds stupid, lol....I'll miss the guy, though!


Well said AJ. :w00t: I missed the match but I was looking at some pictures from the match and lost it. Couldn't imagine what I'd be like if I acually watched the match. lol It's hard not to like Andre...just a true class act. I watched him from the time he started 20 yrs ago. I'll miss him too. :lol::D

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Federer/Moya on tap for tonight in case anyone is interested :w00t: Should be a killer match!


never mind...it's Federer/Spadia.....they lied.


Blake is playing tonight too, though.

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You don't have to watch carlos moya long to know why he was #1 in the world a while back and why he's so awesome on clay....his ground strokes are a thing of beauty. Blake is hanging in there, and he's a tough SOB, but Moya's game is looking pretty sharp tonight.

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You don't have to watch carlos moya long to know why he was #1 in the world a while back and why he's so awesome on clay....his ground strokes are a thing of beauty. Blake is hanging in there, and he's a tough SOB, but Moya's game is looking pretty sharp tonight.


This is the first time I've seen Moya play. He's giving Blake a run for his money tonight. He might just take this one.

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This is the first time I've seen Moya play.  He's giving Blake a run for his money tonight.  He might just take this one.



Moya's blowin up in the third here.....he's on a roll.

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Federer looked good tonight.  That was one of the fastest matches I've seen in a while.  lol  He has really buffed up too.  :w00t:



Yeah, he's a badass

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I like Aggasi and even, for some reason, liked him during his early Image is Everything days.


But, what I think is funny is that in the 70s and early 80s, all these tennis fans thought Conners was an ahole who was ruining the sport.


Then, in 91, he made that run and everybody loved him. At the same time, Aggasi was at his peak of being hated. I can't remember the specifics, but I remember how much the fans hated him. What I do recall is watching some of this one night at a bar with a friend and we were joking how when Aggasi tanks a set because he knows he's going to lose it and he wants to save his energy for the next set, he's was reviled. But, Conners was doing the same exact thing and being called "the wily veteran."


Fast forward 15 years, and now Aggasi '06=Conners in '91. So, if you just stick around long enough, the people who hated you when you were young will love you when you're old!

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