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Well - Just got back from the game


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Here are the notes I got from the game and people sitting with me:


- This is the first time we have seen Willis McGahee play against some decent players. Starters and some backups. What does he do? He averages 2.5 yards per carry. I also thought he was inconsistent. On the 3 yd TD run he had his speed was wonderful and he got to the outside for the score but then on the next drive he tried twice to get to the outside and was brought down by linebackers after gaining only 1-2 yards. He caught one pass and dropped another one thrown right into his hands. Not sure why. Not sure if it means anything or not but he was holding his knee after one play in the 2nd quarter - whatever.


- Henry (before getting knocked out of the game) looked great. He had a awesome 22 yard run where he broke 2-3 tackles and averaged 3.9 YPC on 7 carries. He had a fumble but I thought the entire play was botched - the handoff wasnt that great and the guy hit him right after the line of scrimmage. Pre-season mistakes ... etc


- Bledsoe looked like an entirely new man. I couldnt believe it. He look poised and yet good with the little time he had to throw. The only mistake IMO he had was to throw that intentional grounding. The Moulds overthrow (towards the endzone on 3rd down), Im not sure what happened. Either Moulds ran the wrong pattern or Bledsoe didnt know that Moulds slowed down because the ball went over everyones head and into the endzone (about 4 yards past Moulds).


- Eric Moulds. Not much to say - he is back to the regular Eric - great catches.


- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE put J.P. Losman as the #2 QB next week. I beg the coaching staff. I wanna see him matching up with better players because the guys he is facing now are no match for him. Recievers were NOT getting open for him today and he still managed to throw 66% and run for 43 yards.


- Lee Evans did nothing - again. Thats about it.


- Our Special Teams is something SPECIAL this year. Even on the plays that nothing really happened you saw the holes where it could have happened. Last week Reed had a 35 or so yard return and this week McGee had a 85 yard return. Woo - BUT WE NEED Brian Moorman. Best punter in the league IMO.


- Other than the first drive and interference call on Spikes the defence was stellar as usual.


Those are my notes from the game.

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Here are the notes I got from the game and people sitting with me:


- This is the first time we have seen Willis McGahee play against some decent players. Starters and some backups. What does he do? He averages 2.5 yards per carry. I also thought he was inconsistent. On the 3 yd TD run he had his speed was wonderful and he got to the outside for the score but then on the next drive he tried twice to get to the outside and was brought down by linebackers after gaining only 1-2 yards. He caught one pass and dropped another one thrown right into his hands. Not sure why. Not sure if it means anything or not but he was holding his knee after one play in the 2nd quarter - whatever.


- Henry (before getting knocked out of the game) looked great. He had a awesome 22 yard run where he broke 2-3 tackles and averaged 3.9 YPC on 7 carries. He had a fumble but I thought the entire play was botched - the handoff wasnt that great and the guy hit him right after the line of scrimmage. Pre-season mistakes ... etc


- Bledsoe looked like an entirely new man. I couldnt believe it. He look poised and yet good with the little time  he had to throw. The only mistake IMO he had was to throw that intentional grounding. The Moulds overthrow (towards the endzone on 3rd down), Im not sure what happened. Either Moulds ran the wrong pattern or Bledsoe didnt know that Moulds slowed down because the ball went over everyones head and into the endzone (about 4 yards past Moulds).


- Eric Moulds. Not much to say - he is back to the regular Eric - great catches.


- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE put J.P. Losman as the #2 QB next week. I beg the coaching staff. I wanna see him matching up with better players because the guys he is facing now are no match for him. Recievers were NOT getting open for him today and he still managed to throw 66% and run for 43 yards.


- Lee Evans did nothing - again. Thats about it.


- Our Special Teams is something SPECIAL this year. Even on the plays that nothing really happened you saw the holes where it could have happened. Last week Reed had a 35 or so yard return and this week McGee had a 85 yard return. Woo - BUT WE NEED Brian Moorman. Best punter in the league IMO.


- Other than the first drive and interference call on Spikes the defence was stellar as usual.


Those are my notes from the game.



Thanks for the report! Any boos for Willis? just interested.

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No BOO's for Willis , but Travis got a very good ovation when they announced him before the game.


Willis is a rookie (basicaly) so that comes with the territory (that he is not gonna rip up) in just a couple of games - but it just goes to show that you cant get rid of Henry and hope that McGahee will carry us, because last night he showed that against a starting defense he only got 2.5 YPC

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On the 3 yd TD run he had his speed was wonderful and he got to the outside for the score but then on the next drive he tried twice to get to the outside and was brought down by linebackers after gaining only 1-2 yards.


And one could argue that Travis would have made the same TD run. The corner was there for the taking.

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