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How To Detect Bullsh--


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How To Detect Bullsh--


BS detection


The first rule of BS is to expect it. Fire detectors are designed to expect a fire at any moment: they’re not optimists. They fixate on the possibility of fires and that’s why they save lives. If you want to detect BS you have to swallow some cynicism, and add some internal doubt to everything you hear. Socrates, the father of western wisdom, based his philosophy around the recognition, and expectation, of ignorance. It’s far more dangerous to assume people know what they’re talking about, than it is to assume they don’t and let them prove you wrong. Be like Socrates: assume people are unaware of their own ignorance (including yourself) and politely, warmly, probe to sort out the difference.


The first detection tool is a question: How do you know what you know?

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How To Detect Bullsh--


BS detection


The first rule of BS is to expect it. Fire detectors are designed to expect a fire at any moment: they’re not optimists. They fixate on the possibility of fires and that’s why they save lives. If you want to detect BS you have to swallow some cynicism, and add some internal doubt to everything you hear. Socrates, the father of western wisdom, based his philosophy around the recognition, and expectation, of ignorance. It’s far more dangerous to assume people know what they’re talking about, than it is to assume they don’t and let them prove you wrong. Be like Socrates: assume people are unaware of their own ignorance (including yourself) and politely, warmly, probe to sort out the difference.


The first detection tool is a question: How do you know what you know?




"Studies show that liars pants are flame resistant.."




Around here, the best BS Early Warning System is simply looking to see who posted the comments in question.

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Be like Socrates: assume people are unaware of their own ignorance...


I have been doing this for years. I thought it was because I'm an a**hole, but maybe it is because I'm a genius and philosopher!!

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