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I need help with currency exchange rates.... :flirt:


No really I started my legal education this morning and I gotta say it's not too bad so far. I've been working for a law firm for about 6 months so thankfully everything isn't completely greek to me. But I know its gonna get very rough, very soon.


So any lawyers, law students, smartasses or Holiday Inn Expressers out there want to give me that one piece of invaluable advice that makes all the difference? Or maybe you can be the 689th person to tell me that my life will suck for at least another year....your choice of course.


I'preciate it

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I need help with currency exchange rates.... :flirt:


No really I started my legal education this morning and I gotta say it's not too bad so far.  I've been working for a law firm for about 6 months so thankfully everything isn't completely greek to me.  But I know its gonna get very rough, very soon.


So any lawyers, law students, smartasses or Holiday Inn Expressers out there want to give me that one piece of invaluable advice that makes all the difference?  Or maybe you can be the 689th person to tell me that my life will suck for at least another year....your choice of course.


I'preciate it



Life sucks for a year.....where are you?


Study hard but most importantly, make friends with upperclassmen. Their outlines can make your life much easier.

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I need help with currency exchange rates.... :flirt:


No really I started my legal education this morning and I gotta say it's not too bad so far.  I've been working for a law firm for about 6 months so thankfully everything isn't completely greek to me.  But I know its gonna get very rough, very soon.


So any lawyers, law students, smartasses or Holiday Inn Expressers out there want to give me that one piece of invaluable advice that makes all the difference?  Or maybe you can be the 689th person to tell me that my life will suck for at least another year....your choice of course.


I'preciate it


As someone who is married to and was living with someone who went to lawschool, I can tell you without a doubt that the first year is pretty tough (for both the student and the spouse/significant other). I'd pick her up when the library closed at midnight, had to pick up the slack around the palace because she was always studying, and basically dealt with having law school rule our lives. It did get somewhat easier year's two and three, but year three was all about the Bar, so that can get pretty stressfull, as well.


The advice about outlines is true. They are key. Her laptop crashed once and that was a day from hell recovering outlines that hadn't been backed up yet. So, another good bit of advice is save like a madman, and download to disks every once in a while. It took a while to find the right kind of people to get involved in study groups with, but she ended up latching onto some pretty cool people we are still friends with years later. They weren't so much for working out stuff during the semester, but they came in pretty handy while going over old exams before finals, and as support groups.


It was pretty tough at times, but I kept reminding her that there are complete idiots out there who manage to get law degrees, so if you're an intelligent person willing to put the time in you should do great (and she totally kicked ass).


Good for you for deciding to get a terminal degree, and good luck. Good luck to your significant other, too. They should give us some kind of minor law degree as well because you can't help but pick up a significant bunch of law by just living with a law student.

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Happy Birthday! Sweetie.  0:)


Thank you!


You know when I was little I used to be jealous of the kids who had "school year" birthdays...they would get a cake and a party and everything. I always wished my birthday would be during school once....




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I need help with currency exchange rates.... :devil:

So any lawyers, law students, smartasses or Holiday Inn Expressers out there want to give me that one piece of invaluable advice that makes all the difference? 

I'preciate it



Drink - alot. It helps.

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But with the exchange rate, it's a C- in American grades...



I would always have to review the work and take out all the "wicked" and "eh" comments out, other than that, money well spent.

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I am now a 2L. My advice


1. Everyone will stop writing out briefs by the end of the first semester. The key thing is to note the BLL for the final and be able to recall enough to handle the professor's questions.


2. Remember that it's the final that matters, not memorizing the facts of the case.


3. Don't freak out. It's hard to know how well you are doing b/c you don't get much feedback until the final. Work hard, but realize that most people are feeling the same as you.


4. Get plenty of sleep. It's much easier to read cases and recall what's in them when you can focus.


5. Ignore the gunners. The people talking all the time in class are often not the best students. Don't worry if you have trouble coming up with pithy reparte w/ your professors.


6. Make sure to have a life separate from law school. I found it was important to have an escape outside of school. I was glad I lived off-campus.


7. Find a mentor whether he be a professor or someone else.


8. Don't be a dick. Yeah, you are on a curve and competing with everyone else, but don't get caught up with how well everyone else is doing, don't hate on others accomplishments. Worry about yourself, the curve will take of itself.


9. The best method for preparing for finals is to get a hold of an old outline and update it w/ the new material as well as customizing it to your own liking. It seems the most time-effective and it allows you to avoid the cramming that others do.

Edited by JohnnyB
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I am now a 2L. My advice


1. Everyone will stop writing out briefs by the end of the first semester. The key thing is to note the BLL for the final and be able to recall enough to handle the professor's questions.


2. Remember that it's the final that matters, not memorizing the facts of the case.


3. Don't freak out. It's hard to know how well you are doing b/c you don't get much feedback until the final. Work hard, but realize that most people are feeling the same as you.


4. Get plenty of sleep. It's much easier to read cases and recall what's in them when you can focus.


5. Ignore the gunners. The people talking all the time in class are often not the best students. Don't worry if you have trouble coming up with pithy reparte w/ your professors.


6. Make sure to have a life separate from law school. I found it was important to have an escape outside of school. I was glad I lived off-campus.


7. Find a mentor whether he be a professor or someone else.


8. Don't be a dick. Yeah, you are on a curve and competing with everyone else, but don't get caught up with how well everyone else is doing, don't hate on others accomplishments. Worry about yourself, the curve will take of itself.


9. The best method for preparing for finals is to get a hold of an old outline and update it w/ the new material as well as customizing it to your own liking. It seems the most time-effective and it allows you to avoid the cramming that others do.




Great list. If I may be sold bold as to add a #10:


10. Make friends with some upperclassmen. They will have incredible insights into grading/testing and will be able to assist you in preparing for the final. Also, as you'll soon see, outlines are a currency in law school. By befriending upperclassmen, you have a goldmine.


Johnny/Bart-where are you guys in school?

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