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Any Ball Burglars on TBD?

Ball Burglar

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To the ignorant: Ball Burlgars collect money based on turnovers cause by our defense and donate it to charity.



with a golden opportunity to share some knowledge....instead choosing drop the ball himself.

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with a golden opportunity to share some knowledge....instead choosing drop the ball himself.




Ok folks, here is a condensed summary of who and what we Ball Buglars are.


We are putting a bounty on the football. Every time the Bills take that ball away from the enemy, we pay off to their charities. With as many Bills fans as there are, this bounty could soon be astronomical.


Plus we have adopted the cancer kids at Roswell. They are our special pals and when we get big they will get goodies from us, and research for kid's cancers. Alone we can do little so we are going to gang up on kid's cancer. There will be thousands of us if you will help.


Right now the money goes to Carly's Club at Roswell and Hunter's Hope for Jim Kelly's boy in a 50/50 split of your pledge. You mail it directly yourself. When we get bigger we will set up a foundation because we will need to do so to be able to provide trips and goodies and whatever else those kids need or like. But for now the expense of the foundation would be too much for a small group so we do it direct.



Here is the pledge form:


Pledge per takeaway regular season:


Pledge per takeway returned for a TD:


Pledge per takeaway Playoffs:


Pledge per takeaway Super Bowl:


Pledge for THE FOOTBALL (Lombardi Trophy):




You can pledge here on the board or just to yourself.




There are zillions of reasons why we are formed like we are. The basic idea is we want to have fun doing this, plus goof on the little kids. (Do people know what "goofing on" someone is anymore?)


We wear the masks as a symbol of who we are so people will know us. And as psychological warfare on the other teams.


We are not like other "charities" because we are geared to be like we are at games. Rowdy and loud.


When we get big we will get and auction footballs intercepted by the Bills. To do this we will make a donation to the charity the intercepting player chooses, in return for the ball. The players will feel supported and also come to respect us.


The balls will be packaged in decorated fashion by the kids at Roswell and then auctioned off to the highest bidder.


We will do all sorts of things depending on the talents and skills of our members.


We will become known throughout the NFL and other teams will not like us.



Also please join the Burglars clubhouse on Yahoo. It is free and lets us communicate to each other.

Sign Up Here


For all the Burglars, and for all newcomers who want to join:


We need everyone to make new pledges.  We're not pledging on the message board any more, because we have too many members and it's too hard to keep track of them.


Here's what we need you to do:


In a few weeks, we hope that you will be able to pledge on-line at www.ballburglar.com.  You'll be able to go there with your credit card, pledge to pay $1 or $2 or $5 or whatever per takeaway, and the Ball Burglar will charge your card at the end of the season.


If you can't wait to make your pledge, go to www.ballburglar.com and click on any of the links that take you to the pledge form.  Print it, fill it out and mail it to the address listed on the form.  We'll enter your pledge in our records and on the on-line system as soon as it's available.


We need everyone to pledge on the new system - last year's pledges won't count.


Go BILLS!!!  Go Burglars!


Mostly this originated on the BB.com forums

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