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Jauron's post-game interview

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Shockingly, Ricky Williams' best game as a pro came against us.  Damn that ESPN for using the footage.  <_<



And he said it was the first time he ever saw snow to boot :(

At least Drew picked a good game to have his only good outing the 2nd half of that season. :)

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Perhaps we should do a better job of tacking him, so as not to make THEIR highlight reel.


Shockingly, Ricky Williams' best game as a pro came against us.  Damn that ESPN for using the footage.  <_<




that was one crazy game... ricky puts up 250 yards on us, yet we still blow them out in a blizzard. I'm glad that i was there!


:(  Even though ESPN sucks I don't think this is a conspiracy.

I'm more pissed at the supposedly all-inclusive NFL network which brags about showing all these games and does 15 episodes of Dolphins cheerleaders instead - many of which are surprisingly not that hot including the Butter Face Director.




yeah, my wife watches that horrible show. You know, you'd think that as a guy, i'd be really into a behind the scenes pro cheerleader show? Well, i'm not. I'd rather watch HGTV.

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Did the Bengals play in the rain too?
man that rain detail is an important one!


I suspect these comments were meant to be witty but do deserve a semi-serious response.


IMO it was a 10 minute summer shower to differentiate it from some of the lake fed furys that seemed to me used to occur frequently on gamedays but have been absent for the last 4 -5 years.


From what I remember (alcohol is always a factor) the rain occurred primarily while the Bills were on Offense. So the Bills played in the rain and the Bungholes merely had to react. <_<


BTW: anyone catch that A-hole Chad Johnson's haircut. Some drunk in our section was letting him have it; references to Rodman and TO etc. Enough so that CJ reacted. Part of that Home Team advantage!

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