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Paris Hilton!

Kelly the Dog

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Oh bloody hell. I think I might pull a Paul.


The professional celebutante and heir to the Hilton hotel fortune will release her debut album, "Paris," on Warner Bros. Records next week (she makes an in-store appearance at a West L.A. Best Buy tonight at 7). After that, Hilton will disseminate what she calls "the brand of Paris Hilton" even more widely, and more lucratively. She has signed off on signature lines of lingerie, shoes, bathing suits, makeup, wigs, purses, an energy drink, a video game and champagne in a can — all meant to land not on the shelves of, say, Kitson but at the average Middle American mall. She also intends to open several restaurants and has begun developing properties for what she calls a "boutique hotel chain," to be called Paris, that will remain unaffiliated with her parents' worldwide franchise.


But first, she wanted to straighten out a few misconceptions. Chief among them: "The whole 'party girl heiress' thing, I'm over it," Hilton said. "I'm really serious as an artist. I'm a businesswoman."



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Is it me or does this whore spend a helluva lot of time trying to define herself.


Hey Paris, here's the deal: no matter what you sign off on, no matter what you put your name on, no matter what you tell the media, you will always and forver be nothing more than a spoiled-out-of-touch-cob-bobbing-self-absorbed-egomaniacal-stick-the-extra-dick-in-your-ear kinda whore. You will never be more than that and I will ask one last time: if you really think you're Marilyn Monroe or Lady Di, then take the lead from them and die young and tragically.

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Is it me or does this whore spend a helluva lot of time trying to define herself.


Hey Paris, here's the deal: no matter what you sign off on, no matter what you put your name on, no matter what you tell the media, you will always and forver be nothing more than a spoiled-out-of-touch-cob-bobbing-self-absorbed-egomaniacal-stick-the-extra-dick-in-your-ear kinda whore. You will never be more than that and I will ask one last time: if you really think you're Marilyn Monroe or Lady Di, then take the lead from them and die young and tragically.



the problem does not lie with the "lovely" miss hilton, the problem is that people actually buy her clothes, buy her cd's, watch her crappy show, will probably buy her perfume and play her video game. Just the other day, I was downloading games for my cellphone and one game came up, Paris Hilton's Diamond Search,7$. Who in God's green earth would spend 7$ to play a game about Paris Hilton.


Paris Hilton is not the problem, the problem is society in general that supports this utter bull sh--.


The solution is not getting rid of Paris, since even if she does die, some other jackass !@#$ will take her place.

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Her ideas aren't even original.


And it Was a Crap Idea the First Time


I think it's where the term **** Canned came from.


Oh and BTW, unless it's canned in the Champagne region of France (and I highly doubt that it will be) she can't call it Champange.




Well, if it's made in the USA she can CALL it champagne (as we don't recognize that custom...see Andre, Cooks, Great Western as examples). But, it won't be champagne.


Anyway, it will clearly suck. Might as well put it in a can.

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A Paris Hilton video game :blink:


Prolly look something like this




"In this game the player controls a pair of nude women who scuttle back and forth underneath a building as a ridiculously well-endowed man constantly ejaculates from the roof top."


Sounds like they should call it Paris vs. AJZepp :D

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CHAMPAGNE IN A CAN! starring Samuel L. Jackson


The "Enough is enough! I have had it with this m-fing champagne in this m-fing can!" line was actually an addition that originated as an Internet parody of Samuel L. Jackson's traditional movie persona.

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