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Hey guys,


My hat is off you all of you who spend your money for a ticket. I wish I could go too. I think it may be the time to start socking that cash away for your future or that nice car you been wanting....


This team has sucked for over 10 years now. 10 long years. It just keeps getting worse and worse. You are watching horror show in the making of a season and then you will watch your top 5 draft pick go to the Dallas Cowboys. Losman? Remember Johnson? (Not saying he will do as bad but he is not a "top QB") They will select a bright star for their great well coached future.


I know you guy love Ralph. I do too, but all everyone is doing is making his pockets bigger while your asses fill those seats and buy his food/beer.


TD needs to go. I dont care what he did for Pittsburgh. This is not Pittsburgh. He has dont little to none to help this team. His coaches could not coach their way out of a doorless shithouse!


Time has come for the fans of Buffalo to show Mr Wilson that enough is enough and get us a GM/Coach who can do the job. There are no fans in the world who love their team more and deserve to win then the Buffalo Bills!


I love this team, I just cant take the crap anymore with them. Same Song, Same Season


Go Bills!

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