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Miss OzzFest 2006

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She looks skanky as hell. Something tells me if she smiles she's missing half her teeth and the other half are rotted out.  0:)


I wouldn't say she is missing any teeth, she is from Buffalo, not alabama


But she definitly is looks like you may want to see her latest doctors report before making any contact with her.

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So what part of Buffalo is she from?


My guess would be somewhere around UB, Main Street Campus! :blush:



Springville or further into the southern tier. Perhaps Ellicottville.

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Sadly that pic and this thread remind me of a line uttered in the tv series "How I Met Your Mother" from Neil Patrick Harris' character Barney when talking about women at an airport he uttered "Being from Buffalo means not being cute". I know there are plenty of cute women from Buffalo, I'm just saying this thread reminded me of the quote is all.

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I know there are plenty of cute women from Buffalo



I couldnt' agree more. I think women from Buffalo get a bad rap. The combination of Italian, Irish and Polish backgrounds often produces fantastic results.


I once talked to a girl who was bartending at the Pearl Street Brewery. She was most definitely a 9 on my scale.

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