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My observations from the game:


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Sorry its a little late, but kids will do that to you.


We sat at the 45 yards line, 10 rows back behind the Bills bench. We sat by Nate Clement's cousins, and Fowler's dad and brother. Nate's cousins says he loves the fans in Buffalo, but is getting tired of losing. Melvin Fowler's dad (a LARGE Man in his own right) says Melvin is super excited to be the starting center, and so far LOVES the coaching staff in Buffalo.

Said Melvin hopes not to disappoint the fans in Buffalo.


Gates is the real deal. We saw a couple runs were he crushed the Panthers trying to tackle him. One cornerback left holding his arm. He rush HARD, with good speed and vision. Love this kid, and hope he sees a lot of touches this year.



Josh Stamer is one cut up dude. He plays hard and seemed to be a leader at the sidelines. A lot of other players were coming up to him to ask for advice. Seemed to take TKO's role.



I really like JP's attitude. After the game ended, only Bills fans stayed in the stadium to cheer on their team. He yelled to JP, and said he is our future. He looked over with a big smile and waved to us. I might be reading a lot into but I think it meant a lot to him to see the support away from home.



Panther are a machine on both sides of the ball. Jake is now general out there with offense. Wait till they get Steve Smith back. Scary.


Dan Morgan is their TKO. He was up and down the sidelines giving advice and encourage.


I know the Bills line looked bad, but the Panther front seven is one of the best in the NFL. They whole team looked there were on mission, even in warm ups.


Any how, let's see JP with the starters next game and hope for the best. Lee Evens was open twice when Holcomb was out there, but it was deep down field, so noodle arm wouldn't even try it.

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good insights!

I also come away not feeling too bad about the game. Our D only allowed 7 points. That's not half bad. Though the first drive was ugly. They may need to switch McGee (or give him some help) when he's up against talented receivers that are 8 inches taller than him. Just a thought.

One big difference between the feel this year and the last few is that we're watching a team that should progress and grow into a better one. Last year (on D especially) and the Bledsoe years seemed to be one of this is all we got and as good as we're getting.

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good insights! 

  I also come away not feeling too bad about the game.  Our D only allowed 7 points.  That's not half bad.  Though the first drive was ugly.  They may need to switch McGee (or give him some help) when he's up against talented receivers that are 8 inches taller than him.  Just a thought.

  One big difference between the feel this year and the last few is that we're watching a team that should progress and grow into a better one.  Last year (on D especially) and the Bledsoe years seemed to be one of this is all we got and as good as we're getting.




Yeah I forgot that rookies in the secondary looked good, as well as King.

The crowd had a lot of fun with "Yo-booties" name.


The D-line, after the first series, looked good against the run. Good Speed.

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Sorry its a little late, but kids will do that to you.


We sat at the 45 yards line, 10 rows back behind the Bills bench. We sat by  Nate Clement's cousins, and Fowler's dad and brother. Nate's cousins says he loves the fans in Buffalo, but is getting tired of losing. Melvin Fowler's dad (a LARGE Man in his own right) says Melvin is super excited to be the starting center, and so far LOVES the coaching staff in Buffalo.

Said Melvin hopes not to disappoint the fans in Buffalo.



Did you have the TKO home jersey on?

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Gates destroyed that DB. i watched it over and over on my DVR... destroyed  0:) .


That hit and Gates flip for a TD were the hilights of the game.




When is the last time you saw Willis lay the smack down like that?



I am pulling for "G-Spot" Gates to get a lot of touches this year.

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