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Game turning hold......again


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Improvement? I for one do not want a hall of fame punter. That's the only improvement... Moorman went from the best in the league to the best ever. It takes a hell of a lot of practice for a punter to have a +30 throwing, rushing and punting average.

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3rd and inches ... holding penalty....


4th and long one....Pats FG team on...Jump offsides.....



I'm sorry but some of these players have no idea what the !@#$ there doing out there...Why hold on 3rd and inches?? Why are you so jumpy on a FG try??




On top of that...4th and 3 we have a totally !@#$ed up play....Villareal pulls right, the play goes left....No handoff....DREW gets sacked....fumble....PAT TD.....Whos to blame....?


To me it looked like Villareal thought it was a run right....Bledsoe thought it was suppose to be a handoff left...and Henry thought it was suppsoe to be a play action pass.....


How the !@#$ does that happen on the most important play of the game....


MM its time to make this week a living hell for every player on this team....Get on them now....dont stand for this stupidity every week.....

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