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New idea for curbing Oline Penalties


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"There were several false starts by the offensive line during drills, disrupting the timing and clearly frustrating Losman, Holcomb and the coaching staff. The lack of communication and concentration during this workout was something that definitely stood out and must be resolved if this team is going to be competitive."





I got the problem solved for O-Line penalties. If a lineman is getting too many penalties (yes one is too many but this is pretty drastic for just one penalty) we make the player wear a t-shirt with Fat Bennie's face on the front and on the back pu the words "Here I go again...". That player then has to wear that shirt day and night until he stopp making stupid penalties. That should take care of the problem quick. <_<

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My fraternity had a similar humiliation technique...when we knew that a guy hooked up with something nasty, he was forced to wear a Delta Beta (aka Dirty Butt) hat on campus until he had evidence to pass it on to the next guy.

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My fraternity had a similar humiliation technique...when we knew that a guy hooked up with something nasty, he was forced to wear a Delta Beta (aka Dirty Butt) hat on campus until he had evidence to pass it on to the next guy.



That's not a bad a idea..except my fraturnity would have gone broke buying hats and some of the guys would have had to grow more then one head. :lol:

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