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Effort to stop stadium snots?


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Hey, what about having them post-game drunk checkpoints????  Players shouldn't drive looped...how about fans??? :angry:



I think we already saw your first post that said the same thing

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I think we already saw your first post that said the same thing



Which would be best? No alcohol sales or checkpoints? Assuming violent behavior or drunk driving is a bad thing.


I smoke, and there is no lack of censure about my activity, although I do not swear or strike any man under a cigarette's influence nor kill them or their family on the road.

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I feel bad for the kid in that story. His mother's assertion the experience might "mar my son for the rest of his life by having him come to this game" and the dorky picture of he and his mother are going to get this kid's ass kicked. He certainly will be a target for abuse from his classmates.

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Well, heres the REAL problem...


Usually, she said, people who sit near her along a goal line in the lower section don't act that way. But many of them apparently had sold their tickets - to people who were wearing Pittsburgh jerseys.


Those fans are slightly above NE and philly fans when it comes to scum of the earth.

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Said Mike Brown: "Rude, obnoxious fan behavior is disgusting.  The only drunk and disorderly people allowed in my stadium are the ones on the field."


Well played, sir.

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"We told him beforehand, 'You might see some drunk people, you might hear some F-words and swearing.' But at the game, I thought, 'Oh, my gosh, I'm going to mar my son for the rest of his life by having him come to this game.' It was so bad."


How absurd. It was ok to hear some swearing drunks but seeing too many would mar him???? Even if that made any sense if she was so concerned then why didn't she leave?


I'm so sick of people who think the world has to change to accommodate their (in this case illogical) viewpoint.

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