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When does the HC name the starting QB

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I find it amusing that both the Buffalo News and The D&C made a obvious mistake when Jauron was talking about who would start this week. Jauron said we might go with seniority, or reverse seniority. Both papers said that obviously meant Holcomb and that reverse seniority would mean Klingsbury.




If he meant seniority as in older, it would be Holcomb and reverse seniority would be Losman, two years younger than Kingsbury.


If he meant seniority on the Bills it would mean Losman, who was here a year longer than Holcomb. And reverse would be Kingsbury.


If he meant depth chart he would have said incumbency. ;)


Of he did mean Holcomb would start, which is obvious, but man are these sportswriters pretty bad.

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