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Hard to tell, what, with all the flames and smoke.


You don't exactly see large pro-US protests in the Middle East, do you?



?! You expect pro-US protests while Lebanon is being blown up by US made and supplied bombs?

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It would be suicidal for Syria to launch CW against Israel. Damascus would be naught but a mirror.


Just the very fact that this idiot is using this kind of rhetoric shows who can and who cannot be trusted in the ME. Pity the whole fricking world outside of us and Israel sides with the Arab criminal states.



Hmmm.... I seem to remember a certain US president using not too dissimilar rhetoric. Does the phrase "bring them on" ring any bells?

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?! You expect pro-US protests while Lebanon is being blown up by US made and supplied bombs?


So if they were French made bombs, the protests would stop? Thanks for reducing the retardedness to the lowest possible level. As if Israel doesn't have the right to have weapons to defend themselves.

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They don't.


At least, that's the position most of the Arab world takes.



It is much easier to wipe them out if they have no ability to fight back.


Israel Bad!!

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We always hear from the likes of Pasta Joe and Chicot that the average person in the middle east is rational and decent. You just summed up my entire argument to the contrary.





The average person in the middle east just wants to get on with their lives; earning a living, raising their family, and hoping their children will have a better future, just like Americans do. Right or wrong, some of them do see the U.S. and Israel as impeding those dreams because of how the Palestinians have been treated, but most don't take any action. They just want to improve their lives. It's the minority of extremists that create the stereotype that all Arabs are terrorists. Just like it's the minority of extremists in the U.S. that create the stereotype to the world that Americans support Bush's foreign policy and want to impose our views by the point of a gun.

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So if they were French made bombs, the protests would stop?  Thanks for reducing the retardedness to the lowest possible level.  As if Israel doesn't have the right to have weapons to defend themselves.



If the French were supplying the weapons, they'd protest against the French. Do the Palestinians have the same right to have weapons to defend themselves; tanks, helicopters, and jets? They have a democratically elected government.

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The average person in the middle east just wants to get on with their lives; earning a living, raising their family, and hoping their children will have a better future, just like Americans do.  Right or wrong, some of them do see the U.S. and Israel as impeding those dreams because of how the Palestinians have been treated, but most don't take any action.  They just want to improve their lives.  It's the minority of extremists that create the stereotype that all Arabs are terrorists.  Just like it's the minority of extremists in the U.S. that create the stereotype to the world that Americans support Bush's foreign policy and want to impose our views by the point of a gun.




Yup, it's Israel's fault that Sunnis are blowing up Shiities in Baghdad markets.

It's Israel's fault that India & Pakistan can't agree on Kashmir.

It's Israel's fault that Sudan is a massive cemetery.

It's Israel's fault that Saudis don't consider women as real people.

It's Israel's fault that Arab countries' GDP outside of oil rivals sub-Saharan Africa.


I hope you're enjoying the bullcrap that you've been fed.

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So if they were French made bombs, the protests would stop?  Thanks for reducing the retardedness to the lowest possible level.  As if Israel doesn't have the right to have weapons to defend themselves.





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Yup, it's Israel's fault that Sunnis are blowing up Shiities in Baghdad markets. 

It's Israel's fault that India & Pakistan can't agree on Kashmir. 

It's Israel's fault that Sudan is a massive cemetery.

It's Israel's fault that Saudis don't consider women as real people.

It's Israel's fault that Arab countries' GDP outside of oil rivals sub-Saharan Africa.


I hope you're enjoying the bullcrap that you've been fed.



? What is this trend for making things up? No one is saying any of those things.

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If the French were supplying the weapons, they'd protest against the French.  Do the Palestinians have the same right to have weapons to defend themselves; tanks, helicopters, and jets?  They have a democratically elected government.



The French used to supply the weapons. There wouldn't be an Israel if France hadn't sold them weapons. Israel was built with French weaponry. And when the French were selling them weapons, the Arabs protested...the US.

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Now there is an intelligent answer.  After you get your diaper changed come back and maybe we can have a discussion like real grownups.




Wow, that MBA from Wal-Mart is really helping you out with that "diaper" comment. Nice work.

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? What is this trend for making things up? No one is saying any of those things.



So, the "Death to Israel' chants that get uniform coverage on Al Jazeera are a figment of my imagination?


Has anyone on the Arab side taken a serious moment to ask the logical question of exactly how the average Arab's life would be improved if the extremists achieve their goal and Israel were wiped off the face of the Earth?


Maybe the elimination of Israel is the worst thing that can happen to Arab regimes. They may actually have to account to their people that perhaps Israel isn't the real problem?


And please don't sugarcoat the message that most Arabs are angry at Israel because of the bad treatment of Palestinians. Last I heard, the Palestinians aren't living in palaces in Jordan. But, in that case, refugee camps are ok.

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The French used to supply the weapons.  There wouldn't be an Israel if France hadn't sold them weapons.  Israel was built with French weaponry.  And when the French were selling them weapons, the Arabs protested...the US.




Maybe those fcking Jews should fly Russian Migs. Then those Sand &#33;@#&#036;s would get it. :)

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