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sharing a potential danger to your loved ones


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This is all true and it happened to me and I just want to make as many people aware that it can happen to you or the women in your lives.


July 19 I got a letter in the mail from a correctional facility. I had gotten a form a couple weeks earlier to fill out for jury duty and now this letter so I opened it thinking it had something to do with jury duty. :D:lol: On the back of the envelope it said





Well it was a letter from a prison inmate. I was shocked. I have never visited, know or written to a convict. He said he got my name and address from Chris.

I read it to find out that the man was in prison for murder, has served 14 year already, is only 31, might get out in 2007.


I wanted to know who Chris was and why my name was given. What to do, what to do. I wrote and said that I was not going to give him any personal info and wanted to know who Chris was, how he got my information, why and what did he tell you about me. Just the thought of a murderer having my name and addres was enough to lose sleep over.


Wed the 26 of July I got another letter. He said that Chris got my info from a local newspaper that I was in an accident or something to that effect. The only thing in the paper what that my camera was stolen out of my car. Convicts read the police reports. I guess they are checking out to see if their friends are keeping busy or getting caught.


I called my police dept and told them that I felt the address in the paper is now a dangerous thing to be out there if criminals are using that to get pen pals. They said that once a report is written and filed it is public knowledge. So I called my cousin editor of our local paper and told him. He was very surprised and said that they put the address in so people in the neighborhood will be aware that the crime is close by. I told him the address should be more vague from now on. Then I wrote to a TV station trying to let the public be aware of how easy it is for people in prison to get such information. They do not have access to the internet for this reason.


I'm still not happy and might write my Congresswoman and Sen. Clinton. mainly because they are women and this is a potentially dangerous situation.


How would you like it to happen to your sister, wife, girlfriend or mother? I didn't get much sleep last Wed. night.


The Captain of our police department told me to call the prison and I did. They told me that one should mark the letter refused and send it back. I wrote a letter to the prison that I no longer wanted any mail sent to me and the steps I took to get this matter settled. I also sent back the letters so the convict sees that I do not want them.(I kept a copy for my records if something does happen to me.


So if you hear of somone getting letters from prison tell them to mark the letter refused and give it back to the mailman. Do Not open it or write to the Con.

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I see 2 things that are wrong here, first, the fact that you responded to the inmate that sent the letter, second, I cannot believe you referred to Sen Clinton as a "woman"


This is all true and it happened to me and I just want to make as many people aware that it can happen to you or the women in your lives.


July 19 I got a letter in the mail from a correctional facility.  I had gotten a form a couple weeks earlier to fill out for jury duty and now this letter so I opened it thinking it had something to do with jury duty.  :D  :lol: On the back of the envelope it said





Well it was a letter from a prison inmate.  I was shocked. I have never visited, know or written to a convict.  He said he got my name and address from Chris.

I read it to find out that the man was in prison for murder, has served 14 year already, is only 31, might get out in 2007.


I wanted to know who Chris was and why my name was given.  What to do, what to do.  I wrote and said that I was not going to give him any personal info and wanted to know who Chris was, how he got my information, why and what did he tell you about me.  Just the thought of a murderer having my name and addres was enough to lose sleep over.


Wed the 26 of July I got another letter.  He said that Chris got my info from a local newspaper that I was in an accident or something to that effect.  The only thing in the paper what that my camera was stolen out of my car.  Convicts read the police reports.  I guess they are checking out to seeif their friends are keeping busy or getting caught.


I called my police dept and told them that I felt the address in the paper is now a dangerous thing to be out there if criminals are using that to get pen pals.  They said that once a report is written and filed it is public knowledge.  So I called my cousin editor of our local paper and told him.  He was very surprised and said that they put the address in so people in the neighborhood will be aware that the crime is close by.  I told him the address should be more vage from now on.  Then I wrote to a TV station trying to let the public be aware of how easy it is for people in prison to get such information.  They do not have accesss to the internet for this reason.


I'm still not happy and might write my Congresswoman and Sen. Clinton.  mainly because they are women and this is a potentially dangerous situation.


How would you like it to happen to your sister, wife, girlfriend or mother? I didn't get much sleep last Wed. night.


The Captain of our police department told me to call the prison and I did.  They told me that one should mark the letter refused and send it back.  I wrote a letter to the prison that I no longer wanted any mail sent to me and the steps I took to get this matter settled.  I also sent back the letters so the convict sees that I do not want them.(I kept a copy for my records if something does happen to me.


So if you hear of somone getting letters from prison tell them to mark the letter refused and give it back to the mailman.  Do Not open it or write to the Con.


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This is all true and it happened to me and I just want to make as many people aware that it can happen to you or the women in your lives.


July 19 I got a letter in the mail from a correctional facility.  I had gotten a form a couple weeks earlier to fill out for jury duty and now this letter so I opened it thinking it had something to do with jury duty.  :)  :) On the back of the envelope it said





Well it was a letter from a prison inmate.  I was shocked. I have never visited, know or written to a convict.  He said he got my name and address from Chris.

I read it to find out that the man was in prison for murder, has served 14 year already, is only 31, might get out in 2007.


I wanted to know who Chris was and why my name was given.  What to do, what to do.  I wrote and said that I was not going to give him any personal info and wanted to know who Chris was, how he got my information, why and what did he tell you about me.  Just the thought of a murderer having my name and addres was enough to lose sleep over.


Wed the 26 of July I got another letter.  He said that Chris got my info from a local newspaper that I was in an accident or something to that effect.  The only thing in the paper what that my camera was stolen out of my car.  Convicts read the police reports.  I guess they are checking out to see if their friends are keeping busy or getting caught.


I called my police dept and told them that I felt the address in the paper is now a dangerous thing to be out there if criminals are using that to get pen pals.  They said that once a report is written and filed it is public knowledge.  So I called my cousin editor of our local paper and told him.  He was very surprised and said that they put the address in so people in the neighborhood will be aware that the crime is close by.  I told him the address should be more vague from now on.  Then I wrote to a TV station trying to let the public be aware of how easy it is for people in prison to get such information.  They do not have access to the internet for this reason.


I'm still not happy and might write my Congresswoman and Sen. Clinton.  mainly because they are women and this is a potentially dangerous situation.


How would you like it to happen to your sister, wife, girlfriend or mother? I didn't get much sleep last Wed. night.


The Captain of our police department told me to call the prison and I did.  They told me that one should mark the letter refused and send it back.  I wrote a letter to the prison that I no longer wanted any mail sent to me and the steps I took to get this matter settled.  I also sent back the letters so the convict sees that I do not want them.(I kept a copy for my records if something does happen to me.


So if you hear of somone getting letters from prison tell them to mark the letter refused and give it back to the mailman.  Do Not open it or write to the Con.



Why the heck would you resond to something like this? It has scam written all over it.

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Why the heck would you resond to something like this?  It has scam written all over it.


agreed. I wouldn't sweat it too much. The guy is rotting in a cell and probably writes 20 letters like this a day hoping somebody will write back so he has something to do.

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So....you're into bad boys huh?


I'm single and a little lonely, and I'm definitely willing to relocate. I enjoy the outdoors, long walks in the woods (sometimes overnight), and I'm very handy. I try to stay as low-key as possible. Give me a call if interested-



Bucky Phillips

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I wouldn't worry about it at all. You don't even know that he really got the address from the paper; could just as easily gotten it from a phone book and made up the paper story. I realize it must've been pretty creepy, but nothing to get worried about and no need to start a campaign to not publish information in the paper. :)



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I'm curious: what was the content of the inmate's letter? The contents might indicate what kind of intentions he had. For instance, was it religious? Solicitous? Romantic? Friendly?


In principle, it is kind of weird that he would write to you, but without further indication of his reasons for writing, it is difficult to comment intelligently on the matter.

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There were no threats - he wants female penpals.




Two - I still feel uncomfortable that he has my name and address and is a convicted murderer


Upon reading my local paper this weekend there was a big drug bust in the area and 27 people were arrested. Guess what. They have addresses included and even upper apartment so if anyone wants some druggie penpals you can write to them or if you want to ROB their apartments while they are in jail go right ahead. Sorry but I really don't think having the Addresses in the paper is such a GOOD IDEA any longer. They quit putting them in the Obits because while people were at the funeral parlor houses are easy prey.

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