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Help me humiliate my friend


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Let me guess, he thinks Marv sucks as a GM and the BILLS have no talent outside Brad Moreman and Nat King Clemens.




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Careful, the helmetted t-shirt wearing "I hate AD" club is going to loop you in with me.



LOL, I was getting a kick out of that exchange too :lol:

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My friend and I have regular arguments over email while at work. Unfortunately he sometimes gets himself into debates that are far over his head, but continues to argue, defying all reason.




Sounds like the debates here... Ever been around PPP during the last part of 2002... First quarter 2003?... When the drums were beating? God... I wished they had that period archived.


It mystified the mind... In an already mystified mind...



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Sounds like the debates here... Ever been around PPP during the last part of 2002... First quarter 2003?...  When the drums were beating?  God... I wished they had that period archived.


It mystified the mind...  In an already mystified mind...




I remember back in 04, you we're posting in ppp and left a post saying are there any pats fans from mass lurking, who would like to chime in, this was at 2am :D

I wasn't a member then, I knew about bills daily through the bledsoe deal and bills posters asking question's on boston.com pats board and saying they were from here.... Ah The mysteries of ppp :lol:

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I remember back in 04, you we're posting in ppp and left a post saying are there any pats fans from mass lurking, who would like to chime in, this was at 2am :D

I wasn't a member then, I knew about bills daily through the bledsoe deal and bills posters asking question's on boston.com pats board  and saying they were from here.... Ah The mysteries of ppp :lol:



The Pats got a message board?



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The Pats got a message board?




They do, it can be rough....Anyway I remember that was in feb or march in 04..

And I faintly remember bunny65? or something like that and glowing bunny party..

and dc tom and AD pulling a fake name calling fued, with AD calling dc, dexter with a humongous head.....And richio and his ever justifaction post on wmd's..

And some dude saying he cranks rush limbaugh in his warehouse at work :lol:

You remember that? :D

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I guess I'm kind of a homophobe and all but, don't you see any cause for concern that YOU refer to him as Butters? South Park aside. Grown men? Do you drive a FIT? Have a myspace account maybe?



We call him Butters simply because he looks and acts like Butters from South Park. I guess I don't see the "gay" inference there. Care to elaborate?


edit: And yes I do have a myspace account. It used to be a means for bands (I'm a musician) to share their material and advertise for auditions and such. Then the high schoolers came, followed shorty thereafter by the pedophiles. :lol:

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and dc tom and AD pulling a fake name calling fued, with AD calling dc, dexter with a humongous head.....


While Tom is my friend and has been for a long time, there wasn't anything fake about that exchange. Tom reminds me of Dexter and has a bulbous melon. It is what it is.

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While Tom is my friend and has been for a long time, there wasn't anything fake about that exchange.  Tom reminds me of Dexter and has a bulbous melon.  It is what it is.


My Memory is foggy, I honestly thought you two were setting an example of how the debates turn into insult threads, to enlighten fellow posters...Man, I thought I remembered dc getting a bit heated...Past, I was just trying to engage EII in convo of history...You had a saying, your not engaging upstairs, I resemble that remark :doh:

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My friend and I have regular arguments over email while at work. Unfortunately he sometimes gets himself into debates that are far over his head, but continues to argue, defying all reason.





Is your friend Holcomb's Arm?

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