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Help me humiliate my friend


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My friend and I have regular arguments over email while at work. Unfortunately he sometimes gets himself into debates that are far over his head, but continues to argue, defying all reason.


Please read the following email conversation and let me know if any of this (only edited out references to real names) makes a lick of sense to you. (He is not supposed to surf the net at work, and in a previous email mentioned surfing wikipedia)


Feel free to insult him, and I'll pass him the link:


1st email:

i thought you werent suppsoed to be surfing anymore butters? ;-)


his response:

Me C#1n353, me play joke, me put pee pee in your coke.


my response:



his response:

Brother... never mind. You missed the entire correllation between internet usage and my care for peoples opinions on my level of it.


my response:

for starters, worst.email.ever. second, what correllation is there between you being allowed to surf the net and some childish saying?


his response:

The correllation would be in the world I edited to protect the not-so-innocent. I hate having to explain everything to you. ; )


my response:

you aren't even making a shred of sense. let me see if i can understand your stupid butters logic:

there is a correlation between you misspelling(or more to the point purposefully mispelling for the sake of non detection) the word chinese and your usage of the internet, as prohibited by work.

was that pint at lunch too much for you? alcohol and keyboards are a dangerous combo, butters


his response:

Sometime I think you just tune me out when I talk.




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The only thing I ascertained from that email is that the only thing worse than an ill conceived joke is an ill conceived defense of said joke. That made as much sense as volunteering for Quail detail with Cheney.

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The only thing I ascertained from that email is that the only thing worse than an ill conceived joke is an ill conceived defense of said joke.  That made as much sense as volunteering for Quail detail with Cheney.



Exactly the kid of stuff I'm looking for... beautiful.


Of course he knows nothing about this, so when I pass him the link on Monday morning, he'll be pi$$ed. :lol:

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My friend and I have regular arguments over email while at work. Unfortunately he sometimes gets himself into debates that are far over his head, but continues to argue, defying all reason.


Please read the following email conversation and let me know if any of this (only edited out references to real names) makes a lick of sense to you. (He is not supposed to surf the net at work, and in a previous email mentioned surfing wikipedia)


Feel free to insult him, and I'll pass him the link:


1st email:

i thought you werent suppsoed to be surfing anymore butters? ;-)


his response:

Me C#1n353, me play joke, me put pee pee in your coke.


my response:



his response:

Brother... never mind.  You missed the entire correllation between internet usage and my care for peoples opinions on my level of it.


my response:

for starters, worst.email.ever. second, what correllation is there between you being allowed to surf the net and some childish saying?


his response:

The correllation would be in the world I edited to protect the not-so-innocent.  I hate having to explain everything to you.  ; )


my response:

you aren't even making a shred of sense. let me see if i can understand your stupid butters logic:

there is a correlation between you misspelling(or more to the point purposefully mispelling for the sake of non detection) the word chinese and your usage of the internet, as prohibited by work.

was that pint at lunch too much for you? alcohol and keyboards are a dangerous combo, butters


his response:

Sometime I think you just tune me out when I talk.



:lol:  :(  ;)


Tell him, the best way for him to controll the bleeding is a super absorbent shammy, and start taking Iron supplements and midol...And tampax with a longer fuse, should resovle your iron deficiency and cyclical loss of blood.....And a testosterone shot would be a plus.

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My friend and I have regular arguments over email while at work. Unfortunately he sometimes gets himself into debates that are far over his head, but continues to argue, defying all reason.




I dunno maybe it's just me...but the first thing that came to my mind was T-Bone talking about BF...

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I guess I'm kind of a homophobe and all but, don't you see any cause for concern that YOU refer to him as Butters? South Park aside. Grown men? Do you drive a FIT? Have a myspace account maybe?

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