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Juron Impressed With Price

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Lets hope Price can live up to his contract....could be a very wise move by Marv.  Sometimes when you come home again and get back into your comfort zone it can all click again


We'll see. As it stands now, this team really doesn't have a number one reciever. I think there are several really good ones, but no outstanding ones

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We'll see. As it stands now, this team really doesn't have a number one reciever. I think there are several really good ones, but no outstanding ones



It all depends on Evans because there is not other player with the rep, tools, college hype and most all good production in his first two years who could even hope to be the #1 we want and need.


Its not a bad bet at all to plan for him to occupy this role. The Moulds meltdown last year was caused because in essence Evans had replaced Moulds as the go-to guy in the Bills offense as he and JP hooked up for an amazing 3 TDs at the start of the game.


Moulds had been frustrated all season as he and JP never developed the ability to connect that he had with Bledsoe. After being burned for TDs again and again (and even again) they switched up and doubled Evans to stop his production. Moulds seem to lose it when with him now singled or going up against inferior DBs JP and he did not connect.


He had the misfortune of choosing Tyke Tolbert (WR position coach) as the object of his wrath and apparently Tolbert told him to shut up and play football. His resulting tirade ended up being classified as a hissy-fit apparently by his teammates as surprusingly to me as an outsider no one came to his defense when he had to be restrained during the game and then was suspended afterwards (even though the Pres of the NFLPA was on the team and if anyone should have come to a player's defense when management suspended even if the player was wring (I mean the NFLPA even tried to defend that idiot TO when he was suspended) you would think TV would but the silence from his teammates was deafening and I suspect had a large part to do with him wanting to get out of town under any circumstances and the Bills essentially wishing him well but requesting that he not let the door hit him on the way out.


Who knows why it happened exactly like it did, but I suspect that it was some combination of the fators below:


1. Old players get supplanted by younger ones and Moulds did not handle this gracefully.


2. Picking a fight with tyke Tolbert was interesting as it is a signal Moulds was displeased with how the WRs were being asked to run routes or be the primary receiver. If so, then he should have shut up and dealt with in the post-gameteam recalibration, if instead his problem was with JP's choices or execution his problem was with JP and not with Tolbert, By fighting with an African-American coach, Moulds could not even falsely play the race card if he chose to take on the higher-ups.


3. Picking this fight in mid-game really let down his teammates.


Overall, I think by what haooened on the field and by what the depth chart says Evans is the #1 WR. Moulds is a real loss because having a #2 with his rep and skills is quite nice. Evans performance is question as the Bills have no plan B for a #1. However, what they need to find as a roster replacement is soneone who can fill the @2 role abandoned by Moulds. I think PP who gas fulfilled this role big time for the Bills before should be able to do this as he clearly is not at #1 quaity.


Its a question of whether one feels the great speed Evans brings and some great concentration he has shown in the first week of camp is enough for him be a credible #1. My sense is that with the speed PP brings and the potential for Parrish in 3 WR sets to be incredibly challenging to match all that speed, Evans should do the job this year.

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I don't quite understand the "we don't have a #1" talk. If the #13 OVERALL pick is not #1 WR quality then it was a terrible pick. Everything I hear about Evans is he is fast, breaks quickly, and has excellent hands. What else do you want from a #1, other than 'big'? Marvin Harrison is not even as big as Evans. Moss was a Pro Bowler last year and he's smaller as well.


I will agree Evans has been the #1 as of yet but I would hope that when you use a #1 pick on a WR the expectation is the talent level justifies the pick. I really like our WR this year: Speed, speed, speed. Losman has the arm for the deep ball and has demonstrated some chemistry with Evans on a long throw. If you get a couple of long passes, then you have Parrish flashing around, Price going deep, Evans threatening going deep. That should open up the running game a lot more than if Holcolm is throwing short outs and dump-offs. Like everyone has said, we need Losman to improve and if he does, the Bills might have a chance to be a surprise team.

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As a rookie, Price was a money player in the Bills last playoff appearance, as well as in college (big-time). He was aiight in 2000, one of the few bright spots in 2001, & had a very nice 2002... I know that was a long time ago, and he may be overpaid, but I for one am looking forward to seeing what he has got left.

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I don't quite understand the "we don't have a #1" talk.  If the #13 OVERALL pick is not #1 WR quality then it was a terrible pick.


Mike Williams must be great, too then! Can't use where they were drafted to prove anything


No he isn't great....he was a terrible pick


I think I understand where port allegany is coming from. I've read many experts predicting that Evans is the real deal with all the tools etc & expect him to be a pro-bowler if we get a running game going &/or give the QB time to throw.

The feeling here at TBD is as if he is a low pedigreed, late round selection WR that surprised us in his first two years & is now being counted on to step up to a huge challenge. He was picked #13....has played & progressed as a #13 should & now seems ready for the next progression.

He might fail....but I can only realistically see that being due to QB/O-line, not due to the physical/mental abilities he has shown.

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I don't miss Eric "Alligator Arms" Moulds at all!!!!  She was a cancer in the locker room.


I would like to see Martin Nance make a roster this year and sport #80.





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