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We haven`t seen too much out of this kid YET ..or our first team O  either..got me a little worried.. :w00t:



Um, did you watch the game tonight? Our first team O looked very, very good tonight. We ran the ball with impunity and Drew was 6 for 6 on the first two drives. I was at the game and came away feeling very confident that the new offense is begining to click (especially with the play of Smith at the LG spot).


Evans has been transparent...yes. But the adjustment from College DBs to NFL DBs is daunting. It will take time. All we need from Lee is to stretch the field 5 times a game (and catch one of those). He will be fine.

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If the O looked so good where were all the POINT`S???




Well with the amount of penalties we had....you could expect many scoring oppurtunities being F'd....


1st drive and Losman's last drives come to mind....

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Um, did you watch the game tonight? Our first team O looked very, very good tonight. We ran the ball with impunity and Drew was 6 for 6 on the first two drives. I was at the game and came away feeling very confident that the new offense is begining to click (especially with the play of Smith at the LG spot).




I don't know what game you were at but it wasn't the Buffalo/Titans game if you think the O looked very good. 1 long pass and 1 good run by Henry in the first series, followed by a penalty that stopped a probably TD drive and a Henry fumble (which he recovered).


2nd series, 3 and out. Where were you?



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