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drew loses again. Can we start Mathews now?

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Really !@#$ head ! You are really starting to pissing me off now. Lets get together and I'll !@#$ your face up so bad your mamma and wife wont recognize you. Where do you live mother !@#$er ?


368 Windship. When shall I expect a visit from the big bad internet tough guy?

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Bottom line, did Drew get the job done???



No, but neither did the rest of the team when it counted most. Maybe if Henry handn't fallen down of his own accord we wouldn't be talking about the fumble.


Drew has his issues, but he got absolutely no time today. How many times was Harrison going to come up the middle unblocked before someone did something about it? I thought is was encouraging to see them complete some deep balls. Must better than against the Raiders...


Among all the negativity, I think they'll start winning some games if they can eliminate the stupid mental errors. Killer penalties. Miscommunication between QB and WR. Dropped balls. Are they a playoff team? No... but they're better than they're 0-3 record shows.


Also, for those Shane Matthews fans out there... there's a reason he was playing golf a couple of months ago. You give Bledsoe the time to throw that Brady got from his line... and nobody would be bitching about him today...

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I agree. Drew will not be here next year, let's see if Mathews is good enough to back up Loseman next year.


You guys act like mathews is some sort of mystery, he isn't, he sux. The whole league knows that which is why he was there for us to sign when JP was hurt.


The first thing a fan who knows nothing about football says when his team is losing is to bench the QB. Drew had maybe two or three passes all day that he missed, that was it. There were more dropped passes than that.


We were playing the best team in the league and gave them a good run. If we had maybe only 200 yards in penalties instead of 300, we had a shot at beating them. Rather than recognizing that, you guys are blaming the whole freaking game on Drew. Please.

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That's like saying what if Jim Kelly had the line Troy Aikman had.. come on man, you have to work with what you got, didn't they say that the giants had the worst O-line in the league??? but they are the 3-1 Why?? because say what you want about Kurt, his strong suit that he developed coming from the Arena league is that HE DIDN'T HOLD ON TO THE BALL TOO LONG, this is the problem, stop blaming the O-line for everything Drew's done face it, get off his stevestojan

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No, but neither did the rest of the team when it counted most.  Maybe if Henry handn't fallen down of his own accord we wouldn't be talking about the fumble. 


Drew has his issues, but he got absolutely no time today.  How many times was Harrison going to come up the middle unblocked before someone did something about it?  I thought is was encouraging to see them complete some deep balls.  Must better than against the Raiders...


Among all the negativity, I think they'll start winning some games if they can eliminate the stupid mental errors.  Killer penalties.  Miscommunication between QB and WR.  Dropped balls.  Are they a playoff team?  No... but they're better than they're 0-3 record shows.


Also, for those Shane Matthews fans out there... there's a reason he was playing golf a couple of months ago.  You give Bledsoe the time to throw that Brady got from his line... and nobody would be bitching about him today...



Yeah, Drew didn't make a single play on defense or special teams. He sure didn't get it done. Wasn't it him who jumped off sides leading to a TD? Did he go the wrong way on the most critical play of the game? Did he slip and fall over his own feet on 4th and 2 with a gaping hole in front of him? Did he have two personal fouls? Did he blow a coverage on third and thirty? Did he drop a first down pass or was the Moulds and Reed?


Drew had us driving for the tying TD and then Henry went nuts for two plays and we were done. Lets blame Drew though, after all, he didn't get it done.

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That's like saying what if Jim Kelly had the line Troy Aikman had.. come on man, you have to work with what you got, didn't they say that the giants had the worst O-line in the league??? but they are the 3-1 Why?? because say what you want about Kurt, his strong suit that he developed coming from the Arena league is that HE DIDN'T HOLD ON TO THE BALL TOO LONG, this is the problem, stop blaming the O-line for everything Drew's done face it, get off his stevestojan



When the line gets its stevestojan together and blocks, THEN I will criticize the QB position. Why? Because football starts at the LINE. The offense played a decent game save for all the penalties until they got themselves in a position where the New England defense could tee off on the line and loose the dogs on the QB every single friggin' down...then the blocking fell completely to stevestojan. You DID notice, I assume, that Rodney Harrison came through unblocked on a corner blitz on every down of the last series. Unblocked!!! THAT is bad line play.


I don't give a flying !@#$ who the QB is...if the line flat-out sucks, it's not the QB's fault.

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Really !@#$ head ! You are really starting to pissing me off now. Lets get together and I'll !@#$ your face up so bad your mamma and wife wont recognize you. Where do you live mother !@#$er ?



Sounds like somebody needs a hug... :blink:

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