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Bruschi injures wrist!

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Good news for us a Bills fans, I guess.  Bruschi was a monster on defense the son of god when we played the Pats last year.  It looks like the Bills might have a SLIGHTLY better chance at winning the division. :lol:


I know all of those hits on people. He was amazing. Most hits in a game ever.
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Fear not, for this is fortold in the Bible:


Behold, blessed is the one whom God reproves;

therefore despise not the discipline of the Almighty.

For he wounds, but he binds up;

he shatters, but his hands heal.


Job 5:17-18


Is more proof needed that Bruschi is the blessed one and his hands shall heal (as long as he binds them up, presumably with some sort of athletic tape?)

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I am surprised that BB allowed this information to be leaked to the public.  He is suually pretty mum about injuries to his players.


So true. But when it comes to spreading the word of our lord, the gospel according to Ted is shouted high from atop the highest mountains.......can I get an amen?

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Good news for us a Bills fans, I guess.  Bruschi was a monster on defense when we played the Pats last year.  It looks like the Bills might have a SLIGHTLY better chance at winning the division. :devil:



Well...having a big iron spike driven through your wrist will tend to break it. But no worries...he'll be up and about in three days.

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Did they say which hand he injured?


Was it the hand he uses to grow organic groceries for the poor?

Was it the hand he used to save a burning car full of puppies from George Bush?

Was it the hand he uses to shoot terrorists in Iraq?

Was it the hand Tom Brady uses to, well nevermind

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You're all going to hell, but man these are all funny!


The bad part is, God will punish us by making ESPN and any other network even remotely connected with pro football do several hour-long specials on his recovery, which will air at the beginning of every preseason and regular season game until they take his cast off. Then he'll make his season debut against the Bills, who will all be afraid to block him because he's just so wonderful.

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You're all going to hell, but man these are all funny!


The bad part is, God will punish us by making ESPN and any other network even remotely connected with pro football do several hour-long specials on his recovery, which will air at the beginning of every preseason and regular season game until they take his cast off.  Then he'll make his season debut against the Bills, who will all be afraid to block him because he's just so wonderful.



Just so they show one of those amazing plays that only Bruchi can do, when he gets blocked low, falls to the ground, and crawls on his hands and knees into the backfield where he reaches the QB three seconds after he releases the ball. Because I just can't get enough of ESPN showing highlights of Bruschi unsuccessfully defending a play and not getting a sack or tackle. <_<

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Just so they show one of those amazing plays that only Bruchi can do, when he gets blocked low, falls to the ground, and crawls on his hands and knees into the backfield where he reaches the QB three seconds after he releases the ball.  Because I just can't get enough of ESPN showing highlights of Bruschi unsuccessfully defending a play and not getting a sack or tackle.  <_<


I think NFL Sunday Ticket should have a channel where the view is exclusively a camera following Lord Tedy around. Think of all the FB and pulling Guard blocks we are missing. I also feel robbed when I miss one of his patented "not fast enough to chase down the ball carrier" moves because the camera man was selfishly focusing on the ball.

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i think its actual ratings testing by espn......


Espn: Tedy, we're going to report you broke your wrist to see how many people view the story. We just want to see if we need to run all 5637 special pieces we have prepared on you or only 5636

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Joking about camp injuries angers the football gods. You'll only have yourselves to blame when the reaper visits Rachacha...



Point of clarification: I'm not joking about a camp injury. I'm joking about Our Lord And Savior Bruschi.


Which may anger the football gods as well...since Bruschi is, by definition, a Football Deity.

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I thought Bruschi WAS Chuck Norris and was just wearing a disguise this whole time


More like Chuck is Bruschi


Chuck Norris isn't even good enough to wash Lord Teddy's jockstrap. Don't Worry, I think this is just a ploy by one of his disciples, Billicheck, to make him look human, even though we all know there is nothing that could bring down lord Teddy.

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