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Dallas' DE Greg Ellis is wanting out of Dallas.

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Very good point.  I would be suspicious.  Especially when Parcells is saying "play

or get out".  Sounds like they're not missing him too much.



If Parcells realy wanted to "kick his starting RDE to the curb", he would have...Ellis is a very good football player...Parcells is not stupid...if the Cowboys lost Ellis, their Super Bowl aspirations (and they have them, believe me) would take a severe blow...Parcells "play for the Cowboys or retire" is just the kind of "tough love" he dolls out to guys who need to be challenged...I would be surprised if Ellis was playing for anyone other than the Cowboys next season...if not, as good as I think he is, I would love to see him in a Bills uniform...he may be too old though, to contribute to a team that is likely 3 years away from being a contender (assuming they make the right moves). By that time, Ellis would be 33-34, and Schoebel would be in the 30-31 year old range...

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If Parcells realy wanted to "kick his starting RDE to the curb", he would have...Ellis is a very good football player...Parcells is not stupid...if the Cowboys lost Ellis, their Super Bowl aspirations (and they have them, believe me) would take a severe blow...Parcells "play for the Cowboys or retire" is just the kind of "tough love" he dolls out to guys who need to be challenged...I would be surprised if Ellis was playing for anyone other than the Cowboys next season...if not, as good as I think he is, I would love to see him in a Bills uniform...he may be too old though, to contribute to a team that is likely 3 years away from being a contender (assuming they make the right moves).  By that time, Ellis would be 33-34, and Schoebel would be in the 30-31 year old range...



Just take a bit of TO and Parcells and Bledsoe and mix them in test tubes and find out what you have!


Have you seen those commercials rofl

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