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"We think it's asinine that Time Warner (the nation's No. 2 cable provider) carries 12 shopping channels and 50 other channels you don't want — but can't find room for one dedicated to the most popular sport in this country," Palansky says. "We're replacing the kid gloves with bare knuckles."


One ad aimed at Time Warner says, "Don't let Time Warner ruin your football season. You'll miss NFL games if you don't call and demand NFL Network now." Another targeting Cablevision, a provider in metro New York, warns, "Don't let Cablevision shut you out." The ad lists the channel's games and a toll-free number for NFL Network.

Thank you NFL. It's about time somebody put the heat on.


The NFL is getting ready to run ads 'against' cable providers who don't carry NFL Network. The ads will be geared to the specific cable company, and will encourage people to switch to the dish.


With live games beginning Thanksgiving they are trying to pick up an additional 25M homes which would put them over 100M. I'm guessing they get their wish.




here in Buffalo, we HAD NFL Network with Adelphia, but now Time Warner is taking over and we will LOSE the channel!




basically, our services DECLINE and we pay the same or MORE




run the ads, because we feel the same way you do....





here in Buffalo, we HAD NFL Network with Adelphia, but now Time Warner is taking over and we will LOSE the channel!





Has this been stated?I thought I heard some rumblings that the channel lineup would stay the same, at least intially.

There is something that is an easy remedy for this:


Get DIRECTV!! Cable sucks balls.


Well.....my cable service has been pretty solid and I don't want to go through the hassle just to get one channel.


That said, TWC should be able to provide this without much cost. The NFL Network would pay for itself (for them) after not very long.

Has this been stated?I thought I heard some rumblings that the channel lineup would stay the same, at least intially.


TWC cannot broadcast any channels they are not under contract with.

Has this been stated?I thought I heard some rumblings that the channel lineup would stay the same, at least intially.



I have not heard that we would lose it stated, but as Time Warner does not contract with them and we are about to become part of the TW service this seems logical.


One other thing I think should be looked into is what ability a change in owners of Adelphia's contract gives the City of Buffalo the right to opt out of or re-open the contract.


If this is the case, then City government can be asked/forced to exert pressure on TW to give and activist group of voters what they want (access to as much Bills stuff as we can get including NFL Network.


The City of Buffalo Telecommunications Office would have information about these issues and is the point to exert leverage on the City to leverage TW. Their number is:


(716) 851-4297


and the head of the office was a fellow named Tom Tarapacki (though this may have changed in the transfer from Mayor Maisello to Mayor Brown.


If you are simply interested in whining then whine in your posts. If you are interested in doing something about this in the real world, then call the Telecommunications Office and ask them what ability the City will have to re-open the contract with a transfer of owners and whether we will retain all channel we get now including the NFL Network for Bills stuff.

I have not heard that we would lose it stated, but as Time Warner does not contract with them and we are about to become part of the TW service this seems logical.


One other thing I think should be looked into is what ability a change in owners of Adelphia's contract gives the City of Buffalo the right to opt out of or re-open the contract.


If this is the case, then City government can be asked/forced to exert pressure on TW to give and activist group of voters what they want (access to as much Bills stuff as we can get including NFL Network.


The City of Buffalo Telecommunications Office would have information about these issues and is the point to exert leverage on the City to leverage TW.  Their number is:


(716) 851-4297


and the head of the office was a fellow named Tom Tarapacki (though this may have changed in the transfer from Mayor Maisello to Mayor Brown.


If you are simply interested in whining then whine in your posts.  If you are interested in doing something about this in the real world, then call the Telecommunications Office and ask them what ability the City will have to re-open the contract with a transfer of owners and whether we will retain all channel we get now including the NFL Network for Bills stuff.


Since you quoted my post, I assume you are talking to me?? First of all, I don't live in the city of Buffalo, so I don't know what good it would do for me to call them. In addition, who's whining? All I said was that I had heard that the channel lineup may stay the same.

Since you quoted my post, I assume you are talking to me??  First of all, I don't live in the city of Buffalo, so I don't know what good it would do for me to call them.  In addition, who's whining?  All I said was that I had heard that the channel lineup may stay the same.



Many apologies as I was not reacting to you at all beyond using some good information you provided to suggest an action some folks may want to take beyond the usual meaningless internet complaining.


A long the lines of walking the talk, my plan is to make some inquiries to folks who work in telecommunication law and also to some of the folks who in particular have been involved with the City of Buffalo Cable contract to find out about specifics on re-openers or other leverage the City might have.


No politician wants to get on the wrong side of a Bills issue locally, but politicians can be difficult to keep focused on the community's needs as they are generally focused on the next election. I can commit to reporting back what I find out and again my apologies as there was no disrespect intended toward you.


Got my letter today...actually if you go to the TWC website and enter your zip code,they will give you your channel line up for your area and it clearly takes the NFL Network out of the line up.. :w00t:


Can't see that there is much that we can do until they actually take it away,other then start pricing Direct TV now..I really did not want to go back to a dish..


Just got this e-mail from the NFL Network,talk about quick work..


Dear :


Your local cable company is becoming Time Warner Cable. On Monday, July 31st at midnight, while you’re dreaming of touchdowns and turnovers, Time Warner Cable Cable may drop NFL Network from your channel lineup.


This means you’ll miss Live Primetime NFL Games, key match-ups, intense rivalries and the run to the playoffs.


Call 1-866-NFL-NETWORK (1-866-635-6389) and demand NFL Network NOW.


Thank you for your help.


NFL Network

Got my letter today...actually if you go to the TWC website and enter your zip code,they will give you your channel line up for your area and it clearly takes the NFL Network out of the line up.. :w00t:


Can't see that there is much that we can do until they actually take it away,other then start pricing Direct TV now..I really did not want to go back to a dish..


Just got this e-mail from the NFL Network,talk about quick work..



I just got the same email. I called the number and it said I had NFL Network in my area already. I guess that number won't be any good until Tuesday. I am really PI**ED off right now. They are showing all the preseason games and all the training camp stuff is starting! Here, I have been subject to repeat after repeat, NE lovefest after NE lovefest all summer long, and now that they are actually going to start showing something remotely good, they are taking the Network off the lineup??????? And I don't have any alternatives???? This is terrible. I would give anything to switch to DirecTV right now, but unfortunately I am in an apartment complex and on the wrong side of the building to add a dish. All that I can say is that Time Warner better get this figured out and figured out NOW!


Three letters





It's easy to get and all the crap the cable companies tell you about DTV is well crap!


I have had rain fade once over the past nine plus months, nasty storm that lasted about 30 minutes, oh and the cable guys were still working in the neighbothood when I came home from work the next day.

"We think it's asinine that Time Warner (the nation's No. 2 cable provider) carries 12 shopping channels and 50 other channels you don't want — but can't find room for one dedicated to the most popular sport in this country," Palansky says. "We're replacing the kid gloves with bare knuckles."


One ad aimed at Time Warner says, "Don't let Time Warner ruin your football season. You'll miss NFL games if you don't call and demand NFL Network now." Another targeting Cablevision, a provider in metro New York, warns, "Don't let Cablevision shut you out." The ad lists the channel's games and a toll-free number for NFL Network.


I've got Adelphia now and hope to keep the NFL channel too but:


a) Why call the NFL network to ask TW (TWC = The Weather Channel) to carry them. Why not just call TW?


b) Does no one see the irony and hypocrisy that the NFL only offers the ticket on DTV (and then only to a subset that they demand carry a full subscription). Not to mention the blackout rule that is bastardized to the point that an area 180 miles from the stadium can still be blacked out. Call the NFL channel (a pawn of the NFL) and demand that the ticket be offered on all outlets and the blackout rule be dropped.

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