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F Landis fails drug test


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My theory on this - and I am a scientist so this must be right - is that the people doing the testing were so used to Lance Armstrong's low testosterone results being produced by his single testicle, and therefore were thrown off guard when testing the blood of a man with two testicles.

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My theory on this - and I am a scientist so this must be right - is that the people doing the testing were so used to Lance Armstrong's low testosterone results being produced by his single testicle, and therefore were thrown off guard when testing the blood of a man with two testicles.



I was just reading through this thread to make sure that nobody posted this already...That was my theory also, that the Tour's testosterone thresholds were based on the previous winner's tests, so cleary Landis and his full beanbag would double the levels of one-nut Lance.


:blink: Well done!

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