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It's bad enough that the people outside my office are already the most annoying people the world has ever seen, now one of them brought her 4 year old son in today. I know he's 4 because he's been telling people nonstop. The damn kid has been screaming, yelling, and running back and forth in front of my door all damn day. I wish I had a land mine or something to put out there. Sure, the blast would kill me too, but I don't really care anymore.


If you see anything on the news tonight about a 4 year old in Boston thrown out the window from the 9th floor of a building in Boston, yeah, that was me.


Seriously though, I understand why people might have to bring a kid into work, but would it be too much to ask for that person to actually watch the kid and try to control his behavior?

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It's bad enough that the people outside my office are already the most annoying people the world has ever seen, now one of them brought her 4 year old son in today.  I know he's 4 because he's been telling people nonstop.  The damn kid has been screaming, yelling, and running back and forth in front of my door all damn day.  I wish I had a land mine or something to put out there.  Sure, the blast would kill me too, but I don't really care anymore.


If you see anything on the news tonight about a 4 year old in Boston thrown out the window from the 9th floor of a building in Boston, yeah, that was me.


Seriously though, I understand why people might have to bring a kid into work, but would it be too much to ask for that person to actually watch the kid and try to control his behavior?



Throw him a candy bar...<_<

Seriously though, I understand why people might have to bring a kid into work,



I don't. When and why would that ever be appropriate?

Seriously though, I understand why people might have to bring a kid into work, but would it be too much to ask for that person to actually watch the kid and try to control his behavior?



It's your responsibility. "It takes a village" and all... <_<

but would it be too much to ask for that person to actually watch the kid and try to control his behavior?


Well, yes. Watching the kid would detract from her ability to do HER work. <_<


Teach the kid to swear. She definetly wouldnt bring the kid back. Accidentally throw out an F-Bmb or something. What I am trying to say is be creative.

Tell the kid if he talks the copy machine will eat him.



Good one! Scared $hitless kid and a quite office. Two of my favorite things.


Even worse, I think just about every late 20's woman on this floor is pregnant. This buidling is going to be pure hell in a couple years.

Even worse, I think just about every late 20's woman on this floor is pregnant.  This buidling is going to be pure hell in a couple years.



What kind of work do you do? Is this a regular occurence? Have you not complained?

I wish I had a land mine or something to put out there.  Sure, the blast would kill me too, but I don't really care anymore.




Even worse, I think just about every late 20's woman on this floor is pregnant.  This buidling is going to be pure hell in a couple years.





Are they all yours? <_<


I feel sorry for you. You are certainly a victim.


The other day I was in a restaurant and some bastard brought a child in there. Yuppies like you and I should be fully insulated from the inconvenience of pain in the ass children in each and every phase of life. Not only that, making jokes about harming children are funny, and fully acceptable.


I hope the rest of your day goes well, and that you never have children. <_<

What kind of work do you do?  Is this a regular occurence?  Have you not complained?



This entire floor is all research people, except for the small corner outside my office which has the hospital's marketing department. Since they're a completely different department, I have no idea who I could possibly complain too, other than the mother herself.


She has brought her kid in a couple times in the past, but never for more than maybe 10 minutes. Today he's been here all day.


Not only that, making jokes about harming children are funny, and fully acceptable.


I would joke about harming the mother, but that wouldn't really solve my problem, would it?

The other day I was in a restaurant and some bastard brought a child in there. Yuppies like you and I should be fully insulated from the inconvenience of pain in the ass children in each and every phase of life.



A restaurantnt is different from a place of employment.



The other day I was in a restaurant and some bastard brought a child in there.



But on the plus side, the child wasn't exposed to second hand smoke...which has more chance of killing a child then a joke about killing a child. <_<

A restaurantnt is different from a place of employment.


Unless you work in a resturant <_<

A restaurantnt is different from a place of employment.



Good point. Every company should be mandated to impose rules against all children. The guy has a legit right to be annoyed to the point of making statements about tossing a baby out of a window.

Gotcha Bro.

The guy has a legit right to be annoyed to the point of making statements about tossing a baby out of a window.


hy·per·bo·le (n.)

1. A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton


Be easy bro <_<

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