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Going to attend my 10th straight Bills camp


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Question?!.... When you get there, what do you concentrate on first? Are you hot to see the QB competition, or does the work of Jim McNally get you to turn your head? I'm a trench kinda guy, so I'd spend a pretty fair ammount of time watching the lines. I'm wondering about the speed on this D-line, and I'd be fixed on Tuten Reyes and Melvin Fowler! Being in Phoenix, it is a bit impossible to attend. If I ever had the chance though, how is the atmosphere, and do you spend time in Rochester or commute from Buffalo or points in-between? Do you need transportation to and fro (busing?).... just highly curious?!!!

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Question?!.... When you get there, what do you concentrate on first? Are you hot to see the QB competition, or does the work of Jim McNally get you to turn your head? I'm a trench kinda guy, so I'd spend a pretty fair ammount of time watching the lines. I'm wondering about the speed on this D-line, and I'd be fixed on Tuten Reyes and Melvin Fowler! Being in Phoenix, it is a bit impossible to attend. If I ever had the chance though, how is the atmosphere, and do you spend time in Rochester or commute from Buffalo or points in-between? Do you need transportation to and fro (busing?).... just highly curious?!!!



I find the defensive drills boring as evidenced by most of the attendees and myself concentrating on the offense. When it's defensive guys just going through the motions there's not much to get excited about. I like to get an early look at the rooks and FAs on both sides of the ball.


The offense is generally a lot more interesting to me. I like to see who's hitting the WRs accurately with the long passes. I'll be watching the running backs closely, especially Willis checking out the horseflesh.


The part of camp I really like is the 7 on 7 and 11 on 11 drills where the 'O' and 'D' go against each other in simulated game conditions. It's hard to get a gage on anything related to performance except for how the QB's are running the show. I will be most interested in watching the QB competition.


The other part that is fun is comparing notes with fellow fans. As far as I can tell almost all the attendees are optimists. I may change my tune later in the season but I always start camp as an out and out optimist.


Attending Bills camp is my adult version of Christmas morning each and every day I'm at camp.

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Just curious.  I go back to Marv's last in Fredonia.



While attending Fredonia, I would leave for school a few weeks early to see training camp. So I saw them a few times there in the early 90's. When they moved to SJF, this coincidentally moved training camp within 5 miles of my crib, again. So, the last few years I've attended as well. I can't tell you exactly how many years I have attended but I would place it somewhere around 7.

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How 'bout you stop going?  Ever since you've been heading there they haven't won a playoff game!



Because the coaches haven't taken my advice. Gonna try Marv, again! :D:unsure:

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17 in a row and at lest 6 days each with some double sessions.


I think this will be my last with that many visits, I'm getting toooooo old.

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This year will be 30 straight. First one was in 1977 at Niagara University. (I have pictures to prove it). Have not missed one since. 1977 was my first Bills game in person as well. I guess this is my 30th Anniversay Bills Season. Maybe I should get a logo made up or something.

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I've been going nearly every afternoon since the Bills moved camp to SJF.


I was pissed that they eliminated so many afternoon practices this year, but I ponied up money at Ticketmaster and will go in the evenings, too.


If you're there afts or eves, watch for my unofficial Astrobot Stadium Wall shirt, and we'll talk some football.

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