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NAACP Urges Blacks to Avoid Some Firms

Tux of Borg

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Of the 50 companies contacted by the NAACP, five ignored the survey, including four retailers: Dillard's Inc.; Kohl's Corp.; Sears, Roebuck and Co.; and Target Corp. All were given Fs for not answering. The other company that failed to answer was Excel, a telecommunications company; it also received an F.


Gordon called on blacks to stop shopping at Target, in particular, until they answer the NAACP's questions _ though he stopped short of calling the action a boycott.


Bruce S. Gordon, president and chief executive officer of the NAACP, speaks during the 97th Annual Convention of the NAACP, Sunday, July 16, 2006, in Washington.


"They didn't even care to respond to our survey," he said. "Stay out of their stores."



The NAACP focused on Target because they're one of the nation's most prominent national retailers, said John C. White, NAACP spokesman. However, the group does not plan to picket or leaflet Target, but will rely on word of mouth, he said.



A Target spokeswoman said via e-mail that the company opted out of the survey "because Target views diversity as being inclusive of all people from all different backgrounds, not just one group." The NAACP survey asks only about blacks.



She added that minorities make up 40 percent of Target employees and 23 percent of all officials and managers.



During his keynote address, Gordon said black Americans should end their "victim-like thinking" and seize opportunities to help close gaps between the nation's rich and poor.



"We may not have all the power that we want, but we have all the power that we need," Gordon said. "All we have to do is believe it and use it."

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I still can't fihure out why race is still such an issue in the US.


I am not aware of debate about race issues of this nature in Britain. But maybe I am blinkered.



They're awfully accepting of people of color @ the soccer games.

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I still can't fihure out why race is still such an issue in the US.


I am not aware of debate about race issues of this nature in Britain. But maybe I am blinkered.


As long as there is an upper class, a middle class, an upper middle class, a lower middle class and a lower class of people in our country, there will always be people pissing and moaning about inequities.


The only people who have a significant problem with race in this country are the people who don't want to work for a higher class of living. They'd rather B word until someone gives it to them.


That's what makes this dude spout off at the mouth. That's what makes the Mayor of New Orleans look like such a fool. And that's what makes a gzillion illegal immigrants think that spending a day on strike in a country they don't belong in will help give them a higher level of status without the effort.


There will always be those who see what they want from life and go get it, and those who see what those people are getting and demanding that whatever they get be doled out.


Are there some racists? Of course. There will always be some nimrod who hates minorities for one reason or another.


But billion-dollar companies? Christ. People make it sound like being racist is part of a company's mission statement.

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"Wachovia got a perfect score on community relations. The company pays all employees to donate four hours a month to local charities, and employees volunteered for 650,000 hours in 2005, said G. Dewey Norwood Jr., an assistant vice president."


How is that race related? I think all companies should do something similar anyways.

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"Wachovia got a perfect score on community relations. The company pays all employees to donate four hours a month to local charities, and employees volunteered for 650,000 hours in 2005, said G. Dewey Norwood Jr., an assistant vice president."


How is that race related? I think all companies should do something similar anyways.


I'm not supporting any company that has a Initial.Name assclown as a spokesperson. Take that, NWA...er NAACP.

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"Wachovia got a perfect score on community relations. The company pays all employees to donate four hours a month to local charities, and employees volunteered for 650,000 hours in 2005, said G. Dewey Norwood Jr., an assistant vice president."


How is that race related? I think all companies should do something similar anyways.



Jack is absolutely right. I think that can only help improve the corporate culture in America after Enron, Adelphia, Tyco, et al.



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Makes me wonder what that G name is that makes Dewey a better alternative.


Might just be something 'normal' like Greg (not Greggggg :lol: ) or George.

Sometimes the practice is used to differentiate between a father & son w/ the same name 1st name. George Dewey Jr would go by 'Dewey' whereas George Dewey Sr would go by 'George'.

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"Wachovia got a perfect score on community relations. The company pays all employees to donate four hours a month to local charities, and employees volunteered for 650,000 hours in 2005, said G. Dewey Norwood Jr., an assistant vice president."


Is it really Volunteer work if they are getting paid to do it?

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