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This one's for the nerds...

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here's a question for you...


I don't play any of the electronic RPG systems, but I played D&D all through the 80's.  Are the two comparable?  Is there still room for the old way?  I had always thought I would play with my kids, but I'm wondering if the computer versions are soooo much better that it would be silly to even entertain the thought...


The computer RPGs are completely different than the pen and paper games. They don't compare, and never will.


The pen and paper version is a great way to stimulate the imagination, especially in kids. I played a ton growing up, and I know that helped with my vivid imagination, as well as my good storytelling abilities. Anything you do with your kids is only a plus, but if they're interested in "live storytelling" (which is basically what D&D is -- plus some dice to add a bit of randomness), I say go for it.


The computer games are generally very linear. Even Oblivion (which I play), while open ended, doesn't let you interact with the world in any way you want like a real pen and paper RPG does.


Of course if you were being sarcastic and I missed it, just ignore my rambling. :D



PS: I still play D&D with some friends, although with schedules it's only about once every 3 months, and we spend about 8 hours talking and about 2 hours playing... If that. :doh:

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The computer RPGs are completely different than the pen and paper games.  They don't compare, and never will.


The pen and paper version is a great way to stimulate the imagination, especially in kids.  I played a ton growing up, and I know that helped with my vivid imagination, as well as my good storytelling abilities.  Anything you do with your kids is only a plus, but if they're interested in "live storytelling" (which is basically what D&D is -- plus some dice to add a bit of randomness), I say go for it.


The computer games are generally very linear.  Even Oblivion (which I play), while open ended, doesn't let you interact with the world in any way you want like a real pen and paper RPG does.


Of course if you were being sarcastic and I missed it, just ignore my rambling. :D



PS: I still play D&D with some friends, although with schedules it's only about once every 3 months, and we spend about 8 hours talking and about 2 hours playing...  If that.  :doh:



I would make the argument that RPing in an MMORPG has a lot of the same elements.

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I would make the argument that RPing in an MMORPG has a lot of the same elements.


No it doesn't. You're still limited to doing only things that the developer thought of in the first place. Can I pick up a rock, throw it through the window of a house, jump into the house, run up to the second floor, start looting the place, only to find the owner of the house returning home, so quickly take the bedsheets, tie them together so I can climb out of a second story window? No, unless the developer wanted you to do all of those things. Or heck, can I decide to torch a building and deal with the ramifications of doing so? No. With pen and paper, you can do whatever your imagination lets you do (especially if you have a good GM)


The only thing that's similar is that other people can talk/react to you. It's just not the same though.


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No it doesn't.  You're still limited to doing only things that the developer thought of in the first place.  Can I pick up a rock, throw it through the window of a house, jump into the house, run up to the second floor, start looting the place, only to find the owner of the house returning home, so quickly take the bedsheets, tie them together so I can climb out of a second story window?  No, unless the developer wanted you to do all of those things.  Or heck, can I decide to torch a building and deal with the ramifications of doing so?  No.  With pen and paper, you can do whatever your imagination lets you do (especially if you have a good GM)


The only thing that's similar is that other people can talk/react to you.  It's just not the same though.




You're right that the amount of complexity isn't as large, but there are some key differences:


player-created quests, player-created economies (which you wouldn't get in such a wide scale in pen-and-paper games), and other such things.


Its moving that direction though, so I have to disagree when you say

They don't compare, and never will


Video games are like other technology, increasing exponentially. Its moving that way, and eventually it will be.


Current-gen MMOs are just the start.

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i'll grant ya star wars and LoTR.  but harry potter :D 


any adult who watches harry potter either has kids that like it or is some kinda neverland pixie like jacko


but anyways, Star Wars > (Picard & Kirk)


sorry I keep forgetting not everyone here is my age and/or openminded .......


I read the books.....sorry :w00t::doh:

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i'll grant ya star wars and LoTR.  but harry potter :doh: 


any adult who watches harry potter either has kids that like it or is some kinda neverland pixie like jacko


but anyways, Star Wars > (Picard & Kirk)



My roommate forced me to. he threatened to kill me if I didn't see it with him. And he knew where I lived!


It wasn't horrible. I wouldn't go again unless I was forced, but I can't say I hated it.

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I'm 36

Married for 9 years to a slim attractive woman.

I'm not over-weight at all

I follow Football....having once played it.

Love playing poker

& I still play D&D(we call it Nerd-games or simply nerding) about once every month.

Totally normal(nerdy) guy who happens to play D&D.


Personally I think that those that knock D&D are secretly jealous of it.

I mean, who wouldn't be jealous of guys who enjoy getting together regularly with each other to sit in a dim room, playing fantasy roll-playing pretendy acting games into the wee hours of the morning.....um...that sounded a little homo-erotic....honestly, I'm married. Honest....& so are my friends.....beer is drunk too....honest! :doh:

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I'm 36

Married for 9 years to a slim attractive woman.

I'm not over-weight at all

I follow Football....having once played it.

Love playing poker

& I still play D&D(we call it Nerd-games or simply nerding) about once every month.

Totally normal(nerdy) guy who happens to play D&D.


Personally I think that those that knock D&D are secretly jealous of it.

I mean, who wouldn't be jealous of guys who enjoy getting together regularly with each other to sit in a dim room, playing fantasy roll-playing pretendy acting games into the wee hours of the morning.....um...that sounded a little homo-erotic....honestly, I'm married.  Honest....& so are my friends.....beer is drunk too....honest!  :doh:


I'm not secretly jealous of it, but I'll admit I have no idea what the attraction is. My wife has a close friend with a 20-month-old daughter, and her 37-year-old husband gets together with his 30-something-year-old friends every other Saturday and spend the entire Saturday together playing D&D.


I just figured he hates being around his wife and kid. There isn't a friend or game that could possibly be more important to me every other Saturday than finally spending full days with my family on the weekend. And that includes Bills games, but we always watch them together.


Not saying you do. Just saying I'll never understand it. Whenever they all want to get together I usually pass because I've hung out with the guy and quite honestly I have nothing in common Frodo McGeekamus and his band of merry imagineers.

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The computer RPGs are completely different than the pen and paper games.  They don't compare, and never will.



On top of that the computer RPG's are as much about dexterity with the controller as about all the "thinking" aspects of pen and paper. And, yeah, I've DM'ed games where players came up with very unique solutions that I let play out, and even gave them some bonuses because of the creativity. You won't get that out of a computer.


Used to play with friends quite frequently, but children kinda put a kibosh on that (per Mock's comments, in many respects). Now the only connection we have to RPG is the set of web sites my wife owns...

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I just figured he hates being around his wife and kid. There isn't a friend or game that could possibly be more important to me every other Saturday than finally spending full days with my family on the weekend. And that includes Bills games, but we always watch them together.

We usually get together with another couple to play -- so it IS family time for my wife and I (and the other couple's children are usually watching TV, playing with toys, etc while we play - one's 9, the other is ~2).





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here's a question for you...


I don't play any of the electronic RPG systems, but I played D&D all through the 80's.  Are the two comparable?  Is there still room for the old way?  I had always thought I would play with my kids, but I'm wondering if the computer versions are soooo much better that it would be silly to even entertain the thought...



Three words:




Call the divorce lawyers


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here's a question for you...


I don't play any of the electronic RPG systems, but I played D&D all through the 80's.  Are the two comparable?  Is there still room for the old way?  I had always thought I would play with my kids, but I'm wondering if the computer versions are soooo much better that it would be silly to even entertain the thought...



some of the electronic games are pretty cool. They have the same ruleset as D&D and are fun to play if you like RPG's. I prefer the mmorg's. They allow you more freedom to do what you want, and play with who you want. But the computer versions dont have the same feel as getting together with your friends and BS'ing for 4 hours while your drinking, than maybe a couple hours playing.


Now, gaming is mostly a family affair as my wife and 2 kids play with a friend and his 2 kids. Kids ages are 13, 14,14,16. It definetly qualifies as family time, and the kids love it just we did when we were 14....

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some of the electronic games are pretty cool. They have the same ruleset as D&D and are fun to play if you like RPG's. I prefer the mmorg's. They allow you more freedom to do what you want, and play with who you want. But the computer versions dont have the same feel as getting together with your friends and BS'ing for 4 hours while your drinking, than maybe a couple hours playing.


Now, gaming is mostly a family affair as my wife and 2 kids play with a friend and his 2 kids. Kids ages are 13, 14,14,16. It definetly qualifies as family time, and the kids love it just we did when we were 14....


I didn't realize kids were still playing - that's cool to hear.

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