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Anyone have problems with actors using their fame

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I especially liked the part about they decided that any questions about his girlfriend or children would end the event. I will admit, I like Pitt. From what I hear, and read, and know, he seems like a very decent guy, especially for a pretty boy actor. He also happens to be a darn good actor.

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I especially liked the part about they decided that any questions about his girlfriend or children would end the event. I will admit, I like Pitt. From what I hear, and read, and know, he seems like a very decent guy, especially for a pretty boy actor. He also happens to be a darn good actor.


This is actually different than your basic "Hi, I'm Brad Pitt and I'm touring New Orleans because not enough is being done to help these people." He was serving as a jurist for a group trying to bring new, more energy-efficient designs to the city rebuilding process, but unfortunately (and as usual) no one cares about that. They only care what Pitt thinks about the city. If the headline says "Pitt Helps Pick Five Energy-Efficient Designs," then no one would even bother to read it, let alone think it had anything to do with Brad Pitt.


On the other hand, it likely did what Global Green USA wanted it to do: get their name and efforts some more widely dispersed press, regardless of the headline.

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I especially liked the part about they decided that any questions about his girlfriend or children would end the event. I will admit, I like Pitt. From what I hear, and read, and know, he seems like a very decent guy, especially for a pretty boy actor. He also happens to be a darn good actor.


i dont have a problem with this. in fact, its probubly one of the best things he can do.

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I especially liked the part about they decided that any questions about his girlfriend or children would end the event. I will admit, I like Pitt. From what I hear, and read, and know, he seems like a very decent guy, especially for a pretty boy actor. He also happens to be a darn good actor.



Yeah, what LA said. I'm not entirely pleased with the whole "So-and-so's opinion deserves mention because so-and-so is a celebrity" attitude...but in Pitt's defense, that's less his fault than it is the media's.


Now, if he'd done something stupid like bought a leaky canoe and went down to "help" in the immediate aftermath, thinking he could because he was a celebrity...that I'd have a problem with.

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I think what he's doing is great. What I have a problem with is when they pull a Don Henley or a Dixie Chick.....you pay good money to go see them perform, and they turn it into some sort of political rally.


By the way, I agree about Pitt as an actor. Even his small part in True Romance had my rolling....that was on the other day - great flick.

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Yeah, what LA said.  I'm not entirely pleased with the whole "So-and-so's opinion deserves mention because so-and-so is a celebrity" attitude...but in Pitt's defense, that's less his fault than it is the media's.


Now, if he'd done something stupid like bought a leaky canoe and went down to "help" in the immediate aftermath, thinking he could because he was a celebrity...that I'd have a problem with.


haha, didn't he sink the boat or soemthing cause he had to make sure he had his little photographer with him? What a dick.....

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This is actually different than your basic "Hi, I'm Brad Pitt and I'm touring New Orleans because not enough is being done to help these people." He was serving as a jurist for a group trying to bring new, more energy-efficient designs to the city rebuilding process, but unfortunately (and as usual) no one cares about that. They only care what Pitt thinks about the city. If the headline says "Pitt Helps Pick Five Energy-Efficient Designs," then no one would even bother to read it, let alone think it had anything to do with Brad Pitt.


On the other hand, it likely did what Global Green USA wanted it to do: get their name and efforts some more widely dispersed press, regardless of the headline.


Exactly. I know nothing about Global Green, they may be terrific, they may be lying assclowns. But they are using his fame to get what they want. He doesn't do or say anything stupid. People pay attention because it's Brad Pitt but he is not going out on any soapbox. Again, I really like the fact they said we will shut this down if reporters ask stupid questions. He seems like a guy who believes in this particular little cause, and surely he has to weed through 100s if not 1000s of offers like this. This one just seems like the right way to go about it.

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Again, I really like the fact they said we will shut this down if reporters ask stupid questions.


But you know what was funny? The very next sentence where the PR director said "Well, no, we wouldn't have shut it down. We just wouldn't answer the question. :):flirt:
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I think what he's doing is great. What I have a problem with is when they pull a Don Henley or a Dixie Chick.....you pay good money to go see them perform, and they turn it into some sort of political rally.


I guess I have a couple quick points regarding this, because this seems to come up all the time. First, musicians have just as much right to air their politics as much as anyone else does. Two, how could you not know the politics or political leanings of an artist you enjoy? And lastly, don't go. Don't pay to see them if you are offended by how they vote and which political views they subscribe to.


You know that a guy like Bruce Springsteen or Neil Young or Jello Biafra is going to say something political during the show. They've done it in the past, they're going to do it again. If you know that it's going to happen, and you go to a show anyway, how is it their fault? How are they being out of line? Why is it such a shock?


Countless country musicians spout their hypernationalism every single chance they get. I assume that that's part of the appeal for their fans, because personally I think the genre sucks. Therefore, I'm not going anywhere near a country musician performance. I don't care what they're saying to a bunch of rednecks any more than they should care what some guy with a blue mohawk is singing to a room full of kids. There's not a thing Tim McGraw could say that would turn me further away from him as an artist than I already am. I do not support conservative musicians in any way at all. That's my right.


I suppose this could be expanded to any entertainer. If you don't like what they're saying, or you think they're uninformed, etc, don't support them as artists. They won't be in the spotlight for long if the majority of people paying to see them didn't agree with at least some of their views.


I don't see the big deal.

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By the way, I agree about Pitt as an actor. Even his small part in True Romance had my rolling....that was on the other day - great flick.



Wasn't he using the "honey bear" as his means of drug paraphenelia? Had me rolling too!!


Does anyone else think that he may becomoming more socially proactive because his Angelina is socially active as well?? I don't recall Pitt doing anything like this before and I believe it may be a byproduct of his current relationship.

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I guess I have a couple quick points regarding this, because this seems to come up all the time.  First, musicians have just as much right to air their politics as much as anyone else does.  Two, how could you not know the politics or political leanings of an artist you enjoy?  And lastly, don't go.  Don't pay to see them if you are offended by how they vote and which political views they subscribe to.


You know that a guy like Bruce Springsteen or Neil Young or Jello Biafra is going to say something political during the show.  They've done it in the past, they're going to do it again.  If you know that it's going to happen, and you go to a show anyway, how is it their fault?  How are they being out of line?  Why is it such a shock?


Countless country musicians spout their hypernationalism every single chance they get.  I assume that that's part of the appeal for their fans, because personally I think the genre sucks.  Therefore, I'm not going anywhere near a country musician performance.  I don't care what they're saying to a bunch of rednecks any more than they should care what some guy with a blue mohawk is singing to a room full of kids.  There's not a thing Tim McGraw could say that would turn me further away from him as an artist than I already am.  I do not support conservative musicians in any way at all.  That's my right.


I suppose this could be expanded to any entertainer.  If you don't like what they're saying, or you think they're uninformed, etc, don't support them as artists.  They won't be in the spotlight for long if the majority of people paying to see them didn't agree with at least some of their views. 


I don't see the big deal.




wow, guess you feel pretty strongly about this topic! Look man, what I said was that I have a problem with it. I'm not saying they don't have a right to say whatever the hell they want to say. It's just MY issue with them. So when you say, "just don't go", I totally agree! I happen to love Don Henley's music, but couldn't really care less about his political stance. Therefore I'm best served by spending my money on his CDs and not his concerts. Certain people have talents that I enjoy, regardless of ANYTHING else abut them. Maybe someone is a great actor but a total prick in real life. Chances are I'll still enjoy his films, but not really have any desire to do lunch. Roman Polanski is a friggin child molestor, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to watch "Chinatown".

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Wasn't he using the "honey bear" as his means of drug paraphenelia?  Had me rolling too!!




LOL, those few scenes are just brilliant.....I had forgotten how much I loved this film until a few months ago when I caught it on cable....they've replayed it a few times, and I try and catch parts of it here and there when I can.


"Hey, you wanna smoke a bowl? Watch tv or something?" :)

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wow, guess you feel pretty strongly about this topic!  Look man, what I said was that I have a problem with it. I'm not saying they don't have a right to say whatever the hell they want to say. It's just MY issue with them. So when you say, "just don't go", I totally agree!  I happen to love Don Henley's music, but couldn't really care less about his political stance. Therefore I'm best served by spending my money on his CDs and not his concerts. Certain people have talents that I enjoy, regardless of ANYTHING else abut them. Maybe someone is a great actor but a total prick in real life. Chances are I'll still enjoy his films, but not really have any desire to do lunch. Roman Polanski is a friggin child molestor, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to watch "Chinatown".


Frankly, I don't see how a concert is ruined one bit by a singer saying one line about his personal politics between songs, regardless of what those politics are, but maybe that's just me.

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Frankly, I don't see how a concert is ruined one bit by a singer saying one line about his personal politics between songs, regardless of what those politics are, but maybe that's just me.



Well, I don't know what his concerts are TYPICALLY like, but when Henley was here in Atlanta a couple years ago he was booed pretty vigorously because of how much he was focusing on political stuff during his show. I also have an issue with someone like the Dixie chicks (not that I would go to their show anyway) who go above and beyond "disagreeing" with the President and/or gov't and are blatantly disrespectful. As much as I couldn't stand Clinton, I still believe in supporting the president and this country. That's just my own personal viewpoint, and it's something I'm very sensitive to. I get tired of all the America bashing, and I don't have much tolerance for people who live comfortable lives because of their freedom to perform their art and then turn around and mock people who are "patriotic" or pro-America. But yeah, I'll support their right to do those things because I'd be a hypocrite otherwise....I just don't happen to like it.

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I have a bigger problem with the people who seek out the celebs to attach to their cause.


And I have the biggest problem of all with the idiot public who cares what he says for no reason other than he is a movie actor. Unless of course Pitt is also an expert on designing environmentally friendly structures.

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