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Mans best friend

Gary M

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You should make of copies of that picture of Casper and give it to everyone in the family.  Great picture!!


Don't worry you'll catch up to each other when you cross the "Rainbow Bridge".




My oldest daughter took it.


I will always see him when I look at that chair.

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Sorry for your loss. God was good to me back in '98 when he took my old girl about a week before she was to be put down. She was staying with my dad in Buffalo when I was stationed in Detroit and couldn't have her with me. Dad called me on a Sunday morning to tell me the bad news.


Anyway, I have a picture of ol' BJ hanging in my room at home, and have her collar with the ID tags still on it hanging from the doorknob. I like to here the tags jingle every once in awhile. What a great dog.


My wife and I have two little pugs now, and even though I wanted a lab, I couldn't be without my little girls these days. What a fantastic greeting when I come home.


It's funny how a dog becomes so much a part of you.


Good luck friend.

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Very sorry for your loss. Pets are many times the best part of the family (they don't yell at you and they are always happy to see you). I really feel for you having lived through it before. When the time comes and the mourning passes just try and be thankful for the blessing he was and for the great times you had.

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