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Mira Update

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Mira pulled through the surgery like the fighter that she is. One hour after waking up she was sitting up and hugging her parents. :flirt:


The best news is that the Surgeon reported that they were able to remove 95-98% of the tumor. :D (the tumor was close to 4.5 inches in length before the surgery)


(I'm crying while I write this... what a relief)


The Doctor told the family that a small part of the tumor was attached to a blood vessle and could not be removed! He was confident that the last round of Chemo would knock it out because the tumor was responding to the earlier treatments.

When Mira started chemo in Jan. the tumor was close to 7 in long.


She still had a tough road... The Last round of Chemo is going to be the roughest! ;) but for the first time there is REAL hope for a full recovery


Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!



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Mira pulled through the surgery like the fighter that she is.  One hour after waking up she was sitting up and hugging her parents.  :flirt:


The best news is that the Surgeon reported that they were able to remove 95-98% of the tumor.  :D  (the tumor was close to 4.5 inches in length before the surgery)


(I'm crying while I write this... what a relief)


The Doctor told the family that a small part of the tumor was attached to a blood vessle and could not be removed!  He was confident that the last round of Chemo would knock it out because the tumor was responding to the earlier treatments.

When Mira started chemo in Jan. the tumor was close to 7 in long.


She still had a tough road... The Last round of Chemo is going to be the roughest!  ;) but for the first time there is REAL hope for a full recovery


Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!




When I read something like this I feel like a ahole. Any problems I have are laughably minor compared to others. Hope the good progress keeps up.

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Mira pulled through the surgery like the fighter that she is.  One hour after waking up she was sitting up and hugging her parents.  :flirt:


The best news is that the Surgeon reported that they were able to remove 95-98% of the tumor.  :D  (the tumor was close to 4.5 inches in length before the surgery)


(I'm crying while I write this... what a relief)


The Doctor told the family that a small part of the tumor was attached to a blood vessle and could not be removed!  He was confident that the last round of Chemo would knock it out because the tumor was responding to the earlier treatments.

When Mira started chemo in Jan. the tumor was close to 7 in long.


She still had a tough road... The Last round of Chemo is going to be the roughest!  ;) but for the first time there is REAL hope for a full recovery


Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!




Nick, that is fantastic news. I hope the rest of her recovery goes as smoothly as this part appears to have gone.

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When I read something like this I feel like a ahole. Any problems I have are laughably minor compared to others. Hope the good progress keeps up.


I was going to say something stupid like "you are what you eat!" But I dont want to de-rail this thread with a witty off the cuff comeback! ;)

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I was going to say something stupid like "you are what you eat!" But I dont want to de-rail this thread with a witty off the cuff comeback!  ;)


I'm glad that you could hold back..


We're all so relieved to hear that. Now let's raise her right, send her off to college, pay for her med school, and then she can cure cancer. Wouldn't that be nice?

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Mira pulled through the surgery like the fighter that she is.  One hour after waking up she was sitting up and hugging her parents.  :flirt:


The best news is that the Surgeon reported that they were able to remove 95-98% of the tumor.  :D  (the tumor was close to 4.5 inches in length before the surgery)


(I'm crying while I write this... what a relief)


The Doctor told the family that a small part of the tumor was attached to a blood vessle and could not be removed!  He was confident that the last round of Chemo would knock it out because the tumor was responding to the earlier treatments.

When Mira started chemo in Jan. the tumor was close to 7 in long.


She still had a tough road... The Last round of Chemo is going to be the roughest!  ;) but for the first time there is REAL hope for a full recovery


Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!






That's freakin' great, Nick. So glad to hear it.

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Mira pulled through the surgery like the fighter that she is.  One hour after waking up she was sitting up and hugging her parents.  :)


The best news is that the Surgeon reported that they were able to remove 95-98% of the tumor.  :(  (the tumor was close to 4.5 inches in length before the surgery)


(I'm crying while I write this... what a relief)


The Doctor told the family that a small part of the tumor was attached to a blood vessle and could not be removed!  He was confident that the last round of Chemo would knock it out because the tumor was responding to the earlier treatments.

When Mira started chemo in Jan. the tumor was close to 7 in long.


She still had a tough road... The Last round of Chemo is going to be the roughest!  :) but for the first time there is REAL hope for a full recovery


Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!





I've been following this and it makes me think of my little girl. I'm very very glad to hear it! The part that always strikes me as amazing is that she doesn't understand the severity of what's she's going through; although, that's probably a big reason why she's doing so well!


Gonna share this one with Mrs. McJeff.



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