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it's official: marv sez we're in "rebuilding mode"

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Getting back to the x's and o's, what I find most interesting about that quote is not his admission of the obvious when it comes to rebuilding but his statement of the new staff's plan to win with simplicity, not bells and whistles. When you try to come up with a complex system on either side of the ball, hoping to keep your opponent guessing, often the only people confused are your own guys. Having great athletes think themselves into paralysis can result from schemes with too many "bells and whistles". The old adage about being too smart for your own good comes to mind.


Simple schemes focus on the athletic abilities of your players where you depend on superior skill and execution to beat the other guy rather than some trickery that fools him. Is it better to rely on a handful of plays your guys have down pat, that they can run in their sleep or is it better to have a 50 pound play book so that you have lots of options, even if those options are plays half your guys only dimly remember?


You can lose the value of a player's athletecism by asking that he make too many decisions in too short a time. On the other hand, if your schemes are too simple, you run the risk of being predictable. Its a balance I think Marv understands and apparently the staff he hired were selected for, among many other considerations, their appreciation of simplicity.


This year is probably too soon to expect anything dramatic but I think he is on the right track. Especially for the young guys from Losman to Whitner, simplicity and perfection through repetition is a solid choice.

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I have a limited amount of time and a limited amount of money.  If a team is going to put on a bad product and not be enjoyable to watch, I'd rather find other enjoyable things to spend my time and money on than to get my hopes up and have them crushed week after week.


You're only proving my point. If someone continually has his or her hopes "crushed" by the Bills week after week, why come into a Bills' forum to piss and moan? That person should find something to do that makes him or her happy, and jump back on the bandwagon when the team is good. God knows plenty of fairweather fans do just that.

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So there's a direct correlation between athletic ability of fans and optimism?  :o

Now I've heard everything.

You left out talent, which is another key factor in winning.  Pretty sure that played a role in me as a fan, believing we could win in the 90's.


Your other post was even worse.  The GM was fine and everything was the coach's fault last year?  Because we had so much talent at the 3 most important positions - QB, OL, DL?  :doh:  Unfortunately none of those positions appear to have been upgraded much.  We all hope JP becomes good, Triplett/McCargo pan out, and Reyes kicks ass; but it's hardly unreasonable to doubt the probability of these things.


Talk about pulling snippets out of context and oversimplifying comments to suit your personal agenda. Geesh. Are you in politics?

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I leave with this: during the 90's we as fans truly believed we could win, no matter who was on the other side of the ball. The last game I was at, when the other team was near the endzones, it was like being at a baseball game, instead of the ear-drum shattering terror-drome RW(Rich) Stadium used to be. How about we take a look at our own attitude as fans, especially in the stands this year(I plan to fly up for at least two games), before we start criticizing others?




Give the fans a half-respectable team. maybe then they'll cheer.


Novel concept, eh?

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You're only proving my point.  If someone continually has his or her hopes "crushed" by the Bills week after week, why come into a Bills' forum to piss and moan?  That person should find something to do that makes him or her happy, and jump back on the bandwagon when the team is good.  God knows plenty of fairweather fans do just that.



My hopes aren't being crushed since I have very low expectations of this team.


I don't come to a Bill's forum to piss and moan. I come to a Bills forum, among other reasons, to get information on my favorite football team. However that is but one reason. This forum is much more that just a Bills forum. Be it serious discussions of the untimely passing of a forum member, cancer, illness, furture of Western NY in general or light hearted discussions of TV shows, jokes or garbage plate specials, this is more of a community than simply a Bills forum.


Besides, if I simply stopped paying attention to the Bills, how would I ever know if they improved and it was time to jump on the bandwagon?

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Give the fans a half-respectable team. maybe then they'll cheer.


Novel concept, eh?


Works for me. I'll still cheer, but until I see the improvement on the field, the expectations will be low...


It's not always like this though. 15 years ago on this day, I can tell you that I was convinced the Bills would win the Super Bowl. :o

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GM/football operations Marv Levy didn’t skirt the issue when asked by PFW if the Bills are in rebuilding mode. “I would have to say it does fit that description,” said Levy.


Levy also told PFW he’s confident head coach Dick Jauron and his staff are the right people to get the franchise back on a winning track.




Marv knows the team is rebuilding, but he expects them to be winning games. He is not sacrificing the "now" for the "future".


He said in his book that if you work on a three year plan, you are just building a team for the next coach.


I am - as always - cautiously optimistic.

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Works for me. I'll still cheer, but until I see the improvement on the field, the expectations will be low...


It's not always like this though. 15 years ago on this day, I can tell you that I was convinced the Bills would win the Super Bowl. :o



Low expectations can be quite reasonable but if ome tru;y loves a team tjem they are also accompanied by high hopes as well.


I think that is post which seem to reflect low expectations and low hopes also that strike some as a bot odd and evoke suggestions that perhaps the posters time might be better spent somewhere else.


Those who almost seem to take glee in launching out low hopes for the team and its braintrust (I thought TD and his poor hire GW were idiots, but I really hoped that they were right and I was wrong and that they and the TEAM would do well) really seem to love themselves more than they love the team.


I think folks might profit from asking themselves if they judge from their version of football logic that the team is gonna be awful, how much do they really want to be wrong about all this or is it more important to them that they be proven right about their judgments.

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You're only proving my point.  If someone continually has his or her hopes "crushed" by the Bills week after week, why come into a Bills' forum to piss and moan?  That person should find something to do that makes him or her happy, and jump back on the bandwagon when the team is good.  God knows plenty of fairweather fans do just that.



Truer words have not been spoken. Fairweather fans focus on the end result. The diehards enjoy the ride. Now I've dropped every derogatory word I know at the Bills in the last 5 or 6 years but it's still a blast to fire the grill up on game days and walk into the stadium or turn on the pre-game. I'm not looking for JP to make the Pro Bowl, I don't need Willis to hit 2,000 yards. I just want good old fashioned respectable football again. Marv is on the right track....Maybe Milloy is right that rings can feed his family, but that's playing for the name on the back and not the crest on the helmet. It's been too long since the Ralph has rocked with something other than the "token home crowd noise". Yea we all stand and get loud when the other team has the ball but it's devoid of passion, we do it because we remember that we're supposed to, as opposed to the passion of the game making the crowd rise up. I'm ready to see what Marv can do with assembling talent and I'm dying to see some real football again.

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Low expectations can be quite reasonable but if ome tru;y loves a team tjem they are also accompanied by high hopes as well.


I think that is post which seem to reflect low expectations and low hopes also that strike some as a bot odd and evoke suggestions that perhaps the posters time might be better spent somewhere else.


Those who almost seem to take glee in launching out low hopes for the team and its braintrust (I thought TD and his poor hire GW were idiots, but I really hoped that they were right and I was wrong and that they and the TEAM would do well) really seem to love themselves more than they love the team.


I think folks might profit from asking themselves if they judge from their version of football logic that the team is gonna be awful, how much do they really want to be wrong about all this or is it more important to them that they be proven right about their judgments.


Here you go
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Low expectations can be quite reasonable but if ome tru;y loves a team tjem they are also accompanied by high hopes as well.


I think that is post which seem to reflect low expectations and low hopes also that strike some as a bot odd and evoke suggestions that perhaps the posters time might be better spent somewhere else.


Those who almost seem to take glee in launching out low hopes for the team and its braintrust (I thought TD and his poor hire GW were idiots, but I really hoped that they were right and I was wrong and that they and the TEAM would do well) really seem to love themselves more than they love the team.


I think folks might profit from asking themselves if they judge from their version of football logic that the team is gonna be awful, how much do they really want to be wrong about all this or is it more important to them that they be proven right about their judgments.



Pretty simple. It has nothing to do with ego. I'd rather the Bills win the Super Bowl than live down to my expectations.

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Talk about pulling snippets out of context and oversimplifying comments to suit your personal agenda.  Geesh.  Are you in politics?



What personal agenda might that be?

I thought it was pretty clear that he wrote coaching was the main problem and we're going to be better this year primarily because of confidence & hustle, which is highly questionable IMO.

If I misinterperated, I would like to hear your own summary.

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I have a limited amount of time and a limited amount of money.  If a team is going to put on a bad product and not be enjoyable to watch, I'd rather find other enjoyable things to spend my time and money on than to get my hopes up and have them crushed week after week.




Good plan, then, to waste your limited time whining about a team that you have no faith in. :o

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expectations are being lowered as i write:




GM/football operations Marv Levy didn’t skirt the issue when asked by PFW if the Bills are in rebuilding mode. “I would have to say it does fit that description,” said Levy. “You have a new GM, a new head coach and coaching staff. Some of the players that had been in the league a long time — Lawyer Milloy, Eric Moulds, Sam Adams, Mike Williams — are no longer here. We were pretty active in free agency, not necessarily for blockbuster names, but guys that seem to fit. We had nine draft choices. … Yeah, I would say we fit that. But a lot of teams fit that description.” Levy also told PFW he’s confident head coach Dick Jauron and his staff are the right people to get the franchise back on a winning track. “First of all, I think we’ve put together an excellent coaching staff. It’s never an excellent coach. It starts with the head coach, but it’s all about the entire staff. They’re instituting a style of play that I like very much — it’s based on simplicity, hustle, conditioning, repetition, not on mirrors and bells and whistles.”



I disagree. We started rebuilding last year when the rook took over at QB. I like JP and haven't thrown him under the bus like so many on this board have but he has a ways to go yet.

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Simple schemes focus on the athletic abilities of your players where you depend on superior skill and execution to beat the other guy rather than some trickery that fools him. Is it better to rely on a handful of plays your guys have down pat, that they can run in their sleep or is it better to have a 50 pound play book so that you have lots of options, even if those options are plays half your guys only dimly remember?


Yep. The K-Gun was run with approximately 15-20 standard plays. There were a few specific plays added for each opponent to capitalize on tendencies. So Kelly had about 25 plays to choose from in any given week. The players knew the plays cold, knew their roles and how to execute them. I think that the KISS rule will work wonders for the Bills. Also, Mularkey will permanently fug up the Felon O.

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