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A round-up of sissy songs includes Taylor Hicks' Do I Make You Proud and You're Beautiful by James Blunt, "this generation's Debby Boone, only not as pretty."




I like that song "You're Beautiful." Perfectly sums up when you see a striking brunette in an elevator or walking by that catches your eye and you catch hers.... You can smile, but how can you say anything in such a situation w/o coming across as a complete ass?... and you'll never meet.


Then again, I'm not anywhere near that singer's octave when it plays through my mind. Probably doesn't help him in the 'wuss' category.

Yeah, but women love the sensitive type.


Speaking of which...that's why Ed gets the chicks with his gay-ass car.


After reading the cliche thread.  :lol:



Speaking of which...that's why Ed gets the chicks yada yada yada... :w00t:

JT is "Da Bomb", he ranks among the top of my all time performers, his live shows are spectaular!!!!!!!



I've heard him described as a great stylist - bringing his particular talents to most any tune in a unique way.



I like that song "You're Beautiful." Perfectly sums up when you see a striking brunette in an elevator or walking by that catches your eye and you catch hers.... You can smile, but how can you say anything in such a situation w/o coming across as a complete ass?... and you'll never meet.


Then again, I'm not anywhere near that singer's octave when it plays through my mind. Probably doesn't help him in the 'wuss' category.



Actually, the song is about his ex g/f.


He saw her in a subway station with another dude.


ah, i just checked out a clip of the song...i've heard that before



what a high voiced bastard





Edit: i just looked at the lyrics...my soul cringes at such emo-ness

ah, i just checked out a clip of the song...i've heard that before

what a high voiced bastard



Edit: i just looked at the lyrics...my soul cringes at such emo-ness


It stuns me how much that song is played, even on XM. Seriously...enough already. Put out another song or just stop singing, please.
It stuns me how much that song is played, even on XM. Seriously...enough already. Put out another song or just stop singing, please.



XM could use a little more James Taylor, and a lot less James Blunt.


At the end of their careers, only one of them will have a career worth celebrating.

who the heck is james blunt?


one of the biggest acts in England, along with the Arctic monkeys. Blunt is related to royalty too

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