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The pentagon acknowledged that detainees

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Flip flop?


People complain for years that the White House should reverse their position on an issue...then when they DO reverse their position on the issue, the same !@#$ing people complain that they reversed their position.  Unreal...  :w00t:



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Flip flop?


People complain for years that the White House should reverse their position on an issue...then when they DO reverse their position on the issue, the same !@#$ing people complain that they reversed their position.  Unreal...  :w00t:



...and they wonder why they cannot win an election. :P

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Flip flop?


People complain for years that the White House should reverse their position on an issue...then when they DO reverse their position on the issue, the same !@#$ing people complain that they reversed their position.  Unreal...  :w00t:



lol, I was thinking the same thing when I read her post. I, for one, applaud them.



...and they wonder why they cannot win an election.  :P



Yeah, cause that happens *all* the time during campaigns and elections (outside of Kerry, that is).



No one ever accused liberal Democrats of being intelligent.



No one ever accused anyone that blindly follows a political party of being intelligent.

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What? You deny your fellatio-fest for the Democrats and their weak candidates?



Uh, yeah. In the last elections, I voted for a mixed ballot, and do so depending on who, exactly, is running.


Speaking of weak candidates, hows this for the senate race I get to vote in this November?


Bill Nelson vs Katherine Harris



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Uh, yeah.  In the last elections, I voted for a mixed ballot, and do so depending on who, exactly, is running.


Speaking of weak candidates, hows this for the senate race I get to vote in this November?


Bill Nelson vs Katherine Harris





LOL good luck with that.

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Keeping with the theme. Billions unaccounted for in iraq.





What a...surprise...


Really, you dump half a trillion dollars into any endeavor, billions are going to be wasted. Particularly if it's a government endeavor. Particularly if it involved the DoD. I here and now predict that billions will be wasted on the Army's quarter-trillion dollar Future Combat System and the Air Force's quarter-trillion dollar JSF program.


It's really a no brainer. Even if you hold wastage to a pretty reasonable 5%, that's still $25B out of a half-trillion.

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Speaking of weak candidates, hows this for the senate race I get to vote in this November?


Bill Nelson vs Katherine Harris






Me too, I'd probably vote for Nelson if that's the way it ends up.

But still, I don't think she'll get the nomination. If she did, she'll lose.


( Oh, my!! A Republican, voting for a Democrat?!!! :w00t: )

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Me too, I'd probably vote for Nelson if that's the way it ends up.

But still, I don't think she'll get the nomination. If she did, she'll lose.


( Oh, my!! A Republican, voting for a Democrat?!!! :w00t: )



Harris is the only real name Republican running, and unfortuantely seems like a lock to win the primary from everything I've read.

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Flip flop?


People complain for years that the White House should reverse their position on an issue...then when they DO reverse their position on the issue, the same !@#$ing people complain that they reversed their position.  Unreal...  :w00t:


Oh that's right, only Republicans are allowed to change their positions. When anyone who is not a compassionate conservative evaluates the facts and makes a [hopefully] informed decision to change their mind, it's flip-flopping. If the ruling party does it, it's because they are throughtful and open-minded.


I guess the fact that this Administration held firm on its position to deny these rights for almost four years, in the face of strong opposition, UNTIL a COURT declared that military tribunals weren't legal and a little more "daylight" (not to mention sinking poll numbers) pushed their backs up against the wall has NOTHING to do with their backing down. It's just a coincidence that their intellect and conscience have just kicked in?


Puh-LEASE. I know it's summer but ya gotta lay off the Kool-Aid.

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Flip flop?


People complain for years that the White House should reverse their position on an issue...then when they DO reverse their position on the issue, the same !@#$ing people complain that they reversed their position.  Unreal...  :w00t:



Flip, flop, flip, flop...........ahhhhh, the sound of a dying fish. :P

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Harris is the only real name Republican running, and unfortuantely seems like a lock to win the primary from everything I've read.




The party has asked her respectively, for her to drop out, between the lines at least.


She's also, told them, I believe. "!@#$ you, I don't need your money, I'll use my own"


She's lost countless staff and advisers, because of this rift within the party. If no one with any name recognition doesn't come forward very soon, you may be right.

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