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Rock Star: Supernova

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I got to see this show the other day(I'm in Iraq so i'm not sure how long it's been on in the states) and I love it! It's very anti American Idol. The kids can't sing very well but they can Rock. Most of them are ugly and goth like.


Has anyone else seen this show? Thoughts?

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I got to see this  show the other day(I'm in Iraq so i'm not sure how long it's been on in the states) and I love it! It's very anti American Idol. The kids can't sing  very well but they can Rock. Most of them are ugly and goth like.


Has anyone else seen this show? Thoughts?



Yep, I saw it :D I enjoyed it last year, so I thought I'd give this one a chance. There were a few people on there who look like they could do a great job fronting a band....and then there were a few others that just crapped the bed, but overall I thought the talent was quite good. What the hell was that one guy thinking singing friggin Duran Duran in front of those guys???


That one chick from South Africa with the really deep voice scared the crap out of me....and the 22 year old from Marietta, GA was a total babe ;)

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So far, the only two who have a legitimate chance are the South African chick and the Australian surfer dude. The tiny guy with the attitude needs to show me more. The others do not belong.

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So far, the only two who have a legitimate chance are the South African chick and the Australian surfer dude. The tiny guy with the attitude needs to show me more. The others do not belong.



You sound jealous that your audition tape didn't get you selected. :D

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No, it's American Idol trying NOT to be American Idol. Worse in my book.



There is definitely some truth in what you're saying....in fact, when I heard Jason Newstead, Tommy Lee, and Dave Navarro talking about "song choice" and being "a little pitchy" the other night I almost vomited. And I LIKE american idol :D


I definitely think the Aussie surfer guy is the front runner....but the very first chick who sang was pretty damn good, too.

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My buddy Jay is 1st AD (Assistant Director) on that show



That must be a pretty fun gig....I'd love to do that. Of course, I'd rather be ROCKIN' OUT ON STAGE, but since I can't sing worth a damn.....

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When is this on?? I haven't seen it. I watched Supergroup and loved it but haven't seen anything on this show....



Tuesday and Wednesday night, CBS.

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