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Just when I think I can't become even more amazed at the choeographed onslaught of disinformation about the President I accidentally discover this. Put "Bush's Resume" into any search engine, google, Ask Jeeves, webcrawler, Dog Pile (a children's search engine). It all comes back exactly the same.


"I ran for congress and lost.


I bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas; company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.


I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took land


using taxpayer money.


I changed pollution laws for power and oil companies and made Texas the most


Set record for most executions by any Governor in American history.


I became president after losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes, with the help of my father's appointments to the Supreme Court."


I attacked and took over two countries.


I established a new pro-torture doctrine....


...and on and on and on.



How on earth? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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You shouldn't be surprised. George W. Bush has created a more divided America than any other president in modern history. People are deeply concerned about the damage he has inflicted on the country... so concerned, in fact, that they are willing to spend days and days stacking the search engines.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
You shouldn't be surprised.  George W. Bush has created a more divided America than any other president in modern history.  People are deeply concerned about the damage he has inflicted on the country... so concerned, in fact, that they are willing to spend days and days stacking the search engines.



HE hasn't divided America; it's been there...


If you go to various regions of the country, you can pretty much see it! The voting patterns over the last few Presidential elections have had virtually the same states vote Democrat or Republican, with the split states going to the winning candidates. Living in Virginia sucked politically because it is a state that has a conservative base(quite odd for Jefferson's home). I would have the same attitude if I lived in California because I'd be throttled by the liberal base... Bush has only CEMENTED these bases, and made the independent voter a STAR.


I'd keep an eye on Ohio. It COULD be the Florida of 2004... Just my thought.

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Just when I think I can't become even more amazed at the choeographed onslaught of disinformation about the President  I accidentally discover this.  Put "Bush's Resume" into any search engine, google, Ask Jeeves, webcrawler, Dog Pile (a children's search engine).  It all comes back exactly the same.


"I ran for congress and lost.


I bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas; company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.


I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took land


using taxpayer money.


I changed pollution laws for power and oil companies and made Texas the most


Set record for most executions by any Governor in American history.


I became president after losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes, with the help of my father's appointments to the Supreme Court."


I attacked and took over two countries.


I established a new pro-torture doctrine....


...and on and on and on.

How on earth?  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$



The above is actually fairly accurate. Regretably, aside from the "pro-torture doctrine" which is widely believed but unproven, the other items are a matter of public record, aren't they?

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The above is actually fairly accurate.  Regretably, aside from the "pro-torture doctrine" which is widely believed but unproven, the other items are a matter of public record, aren't they?




Sure, it's accuate. Just like this one from Kerry's resume, right?


"I disgraced my country and spit in the face of 58,000 dead American soliders by throwing my Vietnam medals away."



Obviously, inflammatory language is used inappropriately in both cases. For example, we all know (even though some of us are still very bitter about it), that Bush won the election because he won more votes in the EC and that the USSC did nothing more than force the State of Florida to fairly enforce its own existing laws. But saying that doesn't release many endorphins inside a Bush hater’s brain, does it?

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The above is actually fairly accurate.  Regretably, aside from the "pro-torture doctrine" which is widely believed but unproven, the other items are a matter of public record, aren't they?



In a Michael Moorish kind of way, I guess. Can a governor CHANGE laws? Do new stadiums get built today, anywhere, without the help of tax payers footing part of the bill? Sad, but that's the way it is. Does a governor execute anyone? Actually, since most people sit on death row for about ten years, that means the that terrible crimes they were convicted of happened, when? Not when Bush was gov. If 92 of the top 100 results area mirror images of this same load of crap, I smell a rat. Nothing related to Bush Gardens, no mention of the Outback, nothing about good or bad resume writing. A few about Jeb, and something about Lauries cooking, that's it. The country is devided 50/50. But not the search engines. Of course, Al Gore did invent the internet. So that may explain it.

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This was found pretty easily, so I guess it goes both ways.....


Presidential Job Application

Submitted by Mick on 07/30/2004 at 09:58. ( Mickthetaxidermist@hotmail.com )



NAME: John Forbes Kerry


RESIDENCE: 7 mansions, including Washington, DC, worth multimillions.



Law Enforcement: I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my career as a US Senator. I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant, which I considered unsightly, from in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my neighbors in the event of fire.



I used three minor injuries to get an early discharge from the military and service in Vietnam (as documented by the attending doctor). I then returned to the US, joined Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers. I threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I? My book, "Vietnam Veterans Against the War: The New Soldier," shows how I truly feel about the military. I deplore the military!



I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. Unlike my opponent, George W. Bush, I have no higher education and did not get admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A



I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. I have no real world experience except that of a gigolo, by marrying rich women and running HJ Heinz vicariously through my wife, Teresa.



As a US Senator I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently failed to support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus gutting our country's ability to defend itself.


Although I voted for the Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it. I voted for every liberal piece of legislation. I have no plan to help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am elected.


My wealth so far exceeds that of my opponent, George Bush, that he will never catch up. I make few charitable contributions and have never agreed to voluntarily pay any excess taxes in Massachusetts, despite family wealth in excess of $700-million.


I (we) own 28 manufacturing plants (Heinz) outside of the U.S. in places like Asia, Mexico and Europe. We can make more profit from the cheaper cost of labor in those countries, although I continue to blame George Bush for sending all of the jobs out of country.


Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts.








I ride a Serotta Bike.


My Gulfstream V Jet I call "The Flying Squirrel."


I call my $850,000 42-foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the "Scarmouche."


I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and feel it reflects our real culture.


I own several "large" SUVs, including one parked at my Nantucket summer mansion, though I am against large, polluting, inefficient vehicles and blame George Bush for the energy problems.



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Sure, it's accuate. Just like this one from Kerry's resume, right?


"I disgraced my country and spit in the face of 58,000 dead American soliders by throwing my Vietnam medals away."


Actually, KD - that's inaccutate.


He threw away OTHER PEOPLE'S MEDALS while attempting to give the impression that he threw HIS away.

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I'd keep an eye on Ohio. It COULD be the Florida of 2004... Just my thought.


I think too much is being made of Ohio as a swing state. When it gets to November, I am fairly confident that it will be a narrow but comfortable Bush victory. There are issues with jobs here, but people don't see Kerry as someone who can do anything about it. They generally don't blame Bush for it because free trade agreements were made and the decline in manufacturing base was already projected and occurring long before his presidency. Being in the Dayton area, people have known for the last 10 years at least that the automotive industry is on the decline around here. Nothing a president can do about our situation.

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That's just a terrible thing to do.  Its true, but it doesn't make me look very good.  :w00t:


Speaking of not looking very good, goatman, what was up with that face you made in the debate with McCain shown on the latest Kerry ad? You know, the one where you looked like you had absolutely no idea how to respond? No friggin clue at all? I could swear I've seen that face before. Wait... that's it... it's the same face you made when they told you America was under attack but you were trying to read My Pet Goat at the same time. The Derek Lowe Face (apologies to Bill Simmons) has nothing on the Dubya Face, does it?

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
I think too much is being made of Ohio as a swing state.  When it gets to November, I am fairly confident that it will be a narrow but comfortable Bush victory.  There are issues with jobs here, but people don't see Kerry as someone who can do anything about it.  They generally don't blame Bush for it because free trade agreements were made and the decline in manufacturing base was already projected and occurring long before his presidency.  Being in the Dayton area, people have known for the last 10 years at least that the automotive industry is on the decline around here.  Nothing a president can do about our situation.



In the Youngstown area, things are the same in regard to the auto industry, but only worse. The situation there from what I have seen and heard is pretty bleak. The cost of living is very low, but the opportunities for employment have dwindled. Ohio has been known as a Republican state for many years, but in this election, the more people are out of work and unable to pay their bills, the more likely a Florida scenario could happen. Boy is this election polarizing though! You should hear some of the comments being made there... it's gonna be hot!

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