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These people would have a larger effect if they actually tried to make a difference in a needy person's life. That'd be alot of work, though.


Honestly, I hope Bush leaves the troops in Iraq until everyone of those hippies looks like Calista Flockhardt - two months after she's dead.

These people would have a larger effect if they actually tried to make a difference in a needy person's life.  That'd be alot of work, though.


And plus Reuters might not pay attention to you. And Cindy Sheehan needs reporters to pay attention to her at least 10 hours a day or she'll die. Did you know she had a son die in Iraq??





More steak and burgers for the rest of us :doh:



Who put Cindy She-Man on the top of that web page? :P


Lets see how long she really lasts on water.


Code Pink is an ultra leftist (almost commie) group. They are the group who wefre protesting outside of Walter Reed (until they forgot to renew their permit) in the guise of caring for the troops.

On Friday nights, the soldiers that are able, go by bus to a local restaurant and maybe a movie. On the way back into the hospital, they had to pass the Code Pinkos. The bus would stop. the interior lights turned on and the soldiers would give them the finger! :lol:


I personally had a run in with their leaders. The weekend before Arnold got elected as CA gov, he appeared in my area. I went to the rally at the local fairgrounds. Everyone had to pass through a metal detector and no signs were allowed in from outside. Just before we were going through, here comed the Pinkos yelling and carrying signs and trying to cut in line. Everybody stood firm and said to get their asses to the ned of the line.

They were wearing pink t-shirts with handprints on the breasts (remember the garbage about him groping). They must have done thatt to each other, because they looked like no man would touch them (I bet they all drove Subarus). Their leader kept yelling that Arnold was an idiot. I told her "If he is as big an idiot as you think he is, then shut the eff up so everyone can see that". Shut her up for about 5 seconds while the little wheels turned and then she went back to her rant.

Another was yelling in my ear and I came close to "accidentally" bumping her off of the barricade she was sitting on.


The first one was Suzie "Medea" Benjamin, their national leader. I saw her a few months later on CSPAN and she was one of those idiots that were going to be human shields for Saddam. The other one I saw on TV at the Republican Convention. When Bush came out to accept the nomination , she ripped off her derss to show her pink t-shirt and started yelling. Security got her out fast.


This group has given about $650K to Hamas and was going to have a Xmas tour to Cuba to see the "wonderful island" until the State Dept. hinted that they may have a little trouble getting back into the USA. :lol:


Of course Sheehan is too stupid to realize she is being used by them.

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