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Asteroid passes within 270k miles of Earth


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Damnit AJ! There you go getting me in trouble again.  Must defend Lana, must... :o




Last night on the phone she was telling me about how she was going to her brother's place for the 4th.....she kept making note of how nice and open her brother's back yard was.....It was kinda weird how she kept bringing it up, almost like she couldn't wait to get there and.....well.....you know

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Last night on the phone she was telling me about how she was going to her brother's place for the 4th.....she kept making note of how nice and open her brother's back yard was.....It was kinda weird how she kept bringing it up, almost like she couldn't wait to get there and.....well.....you know


Ah hell, I am already in the doghouse, so might as well...



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Last night on the phone she was telling me about how she was going to her brother's place for the 4th.....she kept making note of how nice and open her brother's back yard was.....It was kinda weird how she kept bringing it up, almost like she couldn't wait to get there and.....well.....you know



Trim the lawn?


Uhhh...wait, what?

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Last night on the phone she was telling me about how she was going to her brother's place for the 4th.....she kept making note of how nice and open her brother's back yard was.....It was kinda weird how she kept bringing it up, almost like she couldn't wait to get there and.....well.....you know


:o:o Hey!! That's not what I said! You turd! :o

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:o  :o  Hey!!  That's not what I said!  You turd!  :o



Oh, you're right.....I"m sorry.....



It was the FRONT yard.......LOLOL!!!!!

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Robert Duvall also. With Téa Leoni reporting everything and President Morgan Freeman leading several "select" citizens into a hole in the ground.


Deep Impact



Tea Leoni is one of the most underrated 'hotties' in Hollywood. I think she's smokin'.

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They've known about this one for a long time. Want to really freak yourself out? Tracing the current trajectories of the Earth Orbit and another asteroids orbit, in 2029, there will be an asteroid that will pass roughly 18,000 miles away from Earth.




Researchers had flagged the object as one to monitor very carefully. It was the first asteroid to be ranked 4 on the Torino Scale, a Richter-like measure for potentially threatening space rocks. The asteroid is about a quarter mile (400 meters) wide, large enough to cause considerable local or regional damage were it to hit the planet.


All along, scientists said additional observations would likely reduce the chance of impact to zero for the April 13 scenario, but they did not expect any significant new data to allow such a downgrading for days or weeks.


Instead, old observations provided the data necessary to rule out an impact.


Orbits change slightly with time because of gravitational tugs by the Sun and planets, among other factors.


2004 MN4 circles the Sun, but unlike most asteroids that reside in a belt between Mars and Jupiter, the 323-day orbit of 2004 MN4 lies mostly within the orbit of Earth.


Scientists cannot say that the asteroid will never hit Earth, but there are no serious threats in the foreseeable future. "No subsequent Earth encounters in the 21st century are of any concern," the NASA statement read.


That's a relief. For a while I thought I might not get to die a lonely old man in a nursing home.

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