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Israel ready to Re-Enter Gaza Strip

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Yes, I reduced a complex problem and a complex solution to a couple of "binary sets" ( :) , what a !@#$ing tool you are). Partly in the interest of my weekend time, partly because the issue of Iran CAN be simplified in such terms.



And that's why it's a waste of time discussing it with you. When you can ONLY see it in those terms, there's no room for discussion anyway. The question of Iran policy is an interesting discussion...with people like X. Benedict, or KTFABD, or Blue Fire, or KRC, who are actually capable of discussing it. With morons like you, or Wacka, or stuckincincy, it's useless.

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Well, some of us have a life outside this board. We don't have the time to analyze all the nuances of all the political situatuions. The only reason I'm on at 4:30 PM Sunday is that it is 103 outside, otherwise, i'd be out hiking or biking.

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Well, some of us have a life outside this board. We don't have the time to analyze all the nuances of all the political  situatuions.



For those people who argue that we must either have to give Dr. Evil the $100 Billion or let him blow up Washington D.C. with giant FRICKIN' laser beams.... who don't have the time or the inclination to think about the situation.... and say the only solution to our problems is to blow Iran, NK, Syria, Lebanon, France and DPW off the map.... b/c this whole rational forethought thing is a real drag....


I would say 'STFU.'

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Well, some of us have a life outside this board. We don't have the time to analyze all the nuances of all the political  situatuions. The only reason I'm on at 4:30 PM Sunday is that it is 103 outside, otherwise, i'd be out hiking or biking.



So you want to talk about it...just so you don't have to think about it?


Again: This is why you get treated with contempt. :)

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You could say "You're misinformed because of x, y or z " and give them your sources. The problem is that you usually ust put the person down as being stupid (at least according to your view).

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You could say "You're misinformed because of x, y or z " and give them your sources.  The problem is that you usually ust put the person down as being stupid (at least according to your view).



Give me a !@#$ing break. The entire sum of your knowledge on any topic boils down to "Libtards suck!" I'm supposed to respond to that sh-- with "You're misinformed because of x, y, and z..."? "You're an idiot" is not only a much easier and worthwhile response to your nonsense...it's also the most accurate.

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What's the range on an Israeli F-14i, 850 miles?



Uhhhh...0. It doesn't exist. :)


You probably meant F-15I...800 miles, realistically. Tehran's at the extreme edge of their range...but that's only if they can get through Saudi or Iraqi air space. Which is functionally our air space. Which means the only way the IAF can hit Iran anyway is if they send a big flower basket and a "Pretty please with sugar on top" to the White House.


Which is not a foregone conclusion, BTW. The last thing the White House wants is for Israel to piss off Iran in a region-wide conflict with us stuck in between them in Iraq...which little adventure, oh-by-the-way, we undertook to stabilize the region to begin with, which sure as hell would go straight down the crapper if Israel hit Iran with our blessing...

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Yeah, that's what I said.  Because there's only two possible ways to address the situation: let Iran become a nuclear power, or let Israel bomb the sh-- out of them.



Tom, what do you mean by "let Israel bomb the sh-- out of them?"


Do you think that they need permission from us to attack Iran?

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Tom, what do you mean by "let Israel bomb the sh-- out of them?"


Do you think that they need permission from us to attack Iran?



If they're going to get there by overflying Iraqi airspace then they definitely would need the permission of the US.

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This is an assumption. Notify the US? Sure. Permission? I doubt it, or at least I'm not so sure.



It will be seen as full permission of the US, as it will be. No one can fly into Iraqi airspace without explicit US permission.

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It will be seen as full permission of the US, as it will be.  No one can fly into Iraqi airspace without explicit US permission.



I suppose you are right.

It is just hard for me to imagine us stopping them. Not that we couldn't mind you. What would we do, fire upon them after being notified of their plans? Not likely imo.

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I suppose you are right.

It is just hard for me to imagine us stopping them. Not that we couldn't mind you. What would we do, fire upon them after being notified of their plans? Not likely imo.



In the unlikely event that they ask for permission, and US denies it, then yes, US would shoot down the Israeli jets once they enter Iraqi airspace. That's why Israel won't do anything against Iran w/o US approval (let alone opening up a much bigger can of worms)

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I suppose you are right.

It is just hard for me to imagine us stopping them. Not that we couldn't mind you. What would we do, fire upon them after being notified of their plans? Not likely imo.



No, I doubt the US would do that but, as the US is the main ally of Israel, I don't think they'd want to piss them off. An Israeli attack on Iran could have major implications for the US i.e. Iran closing off the Persian Gulf and/or stirring up trouble with the majority Shiite population in Iraq, and I think it's inconceivable that Israel would take such an act without fully consulting with Washington.

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Give me a !@#$ing break.  The entire sum of your knowledge on any topic boils down to "Libtards suck!"  I'm supposed to respond to that sh-- with "You're misinformed because of x, y, and z..."?  "You're an idiot" is not only a much easier and worthwhile response to your nonsense...it's also the most accurate.




Sorry you're such a bitter young man.

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Tom, what do you mean by "let Israel bomb the sh-- out of them?"


Actually, all I meant was to quote Kelso's Helmet's stupidity.


Do you think that they need permission from us to attack Iran?



But, since we're going to discuss it...yeah, what Chicot said. It's not a question of "Can we bomb Iran, please?", but "Can we fly through your airspace to bomb Iran, please?" Yes, Israel could fly through Iraqi or Saudi air space without so much as a "by your leave" to us...


But look at it this way: in 2003, during the invasion of Iraq, a US Patriot battery shot down a British Tornado fighter-bomber. The plane was returning in a designated safe flight lane, transmitting all the right IFF codes...it still got shot down accidently. That was between too allies cooperating closely. Imagine the disaster that could befall an Israeli strike package flying through Iraqi air space (i.e. US air space) without coordinating with the US.


The Israelis could do it, sure. It would be an absolutely insane risk to take, though.

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