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Israel ready to Re-Enter Gaza Strip

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Israel to invade Gaza Strip


So, a year after turning over control to the Palestineans, Israel's going in again. This after they've been shelled from there and a soldier was kidnapped.


Can't say I didn't see this coming. Dealing with those !@#$ people is like trusting a snake not to bite. Give them territory and they'll use it as a base to launch their attacks from. Hopefully Olmert doesn't take any sh-- or buy into "The Pathway" BS.


Appeasement doesn't work.

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Israel to invade Gaza Strip


So, a year after turning over control to the Palestineans, Israel's going in again. This after they've been shelled from there and a soldier was kidnapped.


Can't say I didn't see this coming. Dealing with those !@#$ people is like trusting a snake not to bite. Give them territory and they'll use it as a base to launch their attacks from. Hopefully Olmert doesn't take any sh-- or buy into "The Pathway" BS.


Appeasement doesn't work.



Well, well, looks like someone is coming to their senses.


Arab radicalism is the biggest threat to world peace since the fall of the Soviet Union.

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Well, well, looks like someone is coming to their senses.


Arab radicalism is the biggest threat to world peace since the fall of the Soviet Union.



Yeah, but making Gaza a wide beach won't make it much safer.

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Palestinians cry, "WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!"


Uhmmm.... I can only say that maybe they shouldn't have f--ked with the bull. There is ZERO forethought going on with these people.


1) Elect a govt whose past stated goal is the extermination of the Jewish state.

2) Kidnap an Israeli soldier and refuse to return him or do an exchange.

3) Act surprised and 'pschologically hurt' when you get bombed.


"Finally figuring out"? I come from a military family, JSP. The blue star is in the window right now. My qualms have always been that we need to do things 'right'.... But as time goes on, it becomes more apparent that the only thing the Islamofascists understand is force and the realization that it's in their best interest to stop !@#$ with us.


(And with that said, I think it's also become more apparent that we've done just about all we can in Iraq. Our presence there is causing more problems than solutions --- in terms of the fighting itself, our ability to exert force elsewhere in the next 5-10 years *ahem* Iran, NK *ahem*, and the toll it's taken on the Guard and military families.)

Edited by UConn James
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Palestinians cry, "WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!"


Uhmmm.... I can only say that maybe they shouldn't have f--ked with the bull. There is ZERO forethought going on with these people.


1) Elect a govt whose past stated goal is the extermination of the Jewish state.

2) Kidnap an Israeli soldier and refuse to return him or do an exchange.

3) Act surprised and 'pschologically hurt' when you get bombed.


"Finally figuring out"? I come from a military family, JSP. The blue star is in the window right now. My qualms have always been that we need to do things 'right'.... But as time goes on, it becomes more apparent that the only thing the Islamofascists understand is force and the realization that it's in their best interest to stop !@#$ with us.


To paraphrase, there will be peace in the Middle East when the Arabs love their children more than they hate the Jews.


At this rate, that will be never.

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Israel to invade Gaza Strip


So, a year after turning over control to the Palestineans, Israel's going in again. This after they've been shelled from there and a soldier was kidnapped.


Can't say I didn't see this coming. Dealing with those !@#$ people is like trusting a snake not to bite. Give them territory and they'll use it as a base to launch their attacks from. Hopefully Olmert doesn't take any sh-- or buy into "The Pathway" BS.


Appeasement doesn't work.



Collective punishment is not only morally wrong but it is also counter-productive.


This Haaretz editorial makes some excellent points:


A black flag

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In the meantime, four million Palestinians are screaming for all Americans and Jews to be killed...


Collective punishment is morally wrong, counter-productive, and surprisingly common.




Interesting, that, two sentences can summarize, so succincly. Thanks.

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In the meantime, four million Palestinians are screaming for all Americans and Jews to be killed...


Collective punishment is morally wrong, counter-productive, and surprisingly common.



Four million? And how do you work that out?

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Pulled it out of my ass, actually. 


It's probably low...there's a couple million Palestinian refugees outside Israel and the occupied territories alone...



I suspected as much :P


Assuming that all Palestinians want all Americans and Jews to be killed is probably something of an exaggeration (didn't you have a debate with Wacka a few weeks ago in which you argued the point that Palestinians don't have a problem with all Jews just with Israelis?).


In any event, the reality is that it's not the Palestinians that have invaded Israel using tanks, helicopters, F-16s etc... It is not the Palestinians that are cutting off the electricity to 750,000 Israelis nor causing 20,000 Israelis to leave their homes.


I very much doubt that the Israeli actions are going to make the Palestinians love them more, reduce support for Hamas or make Israelis safer. If anything, it will have the opposite effect.

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Great. Now tell your people to quit killing us because they hate Israel.



My people? Who are my people? Presumably you mean the Arabs? I'm afraid I don't have quite as much influence in the Arab world as you seem to think.


I get your point about collective punishment however, but the difference is that it is not the armed forces of Arab countries that are killing Americans. It is free-lance organisations of lunatics that are answerable to no one.

Edited by chicot
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My people? Who are my people? Presumably you mean the Arabs? I'm afraid I don't have quite as much influence in the Arab world as you seem to think.


I get your point about collective punishment however, but the difference is that it is not the armed forces of Arab countries that are killing Americans. It is free-lance organisations of lunatics that are answerable to no one.



They're only answerable to no one because the people who harbor them in their communities do NOTHING to throw out the criminal element. Instead, they encourage their existence in their midst.

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I'm afraid I don't have quite as much influence in the Arab world as you seem to think.



OK, but if this situation changes, would you tell them to not view us as infidels and stop trying to kill us? My wife and children are innocent.

Also, could you tell the Palestinian Pigs that were dancing in the streets, shooting guns, and passing out candy after the 9/11 murders that many Americans still can see images of this display of utter disgust?

Yeah, if you do gain influence, let them know that when and if they stop wishing for and acting upon the demise of Americans and all Jews, I might start giving a !@#$ about them being rounded up, bulldozed and bombed.

Right now, I can't say that I do, and I ask the Good Lord to forgive me.

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My people? Who are my people? Presumably you mean the Arabs? I'm afraid I don't have quite as much influence in the Arab world as you seem to think.


Yet you rarely miss a chance to rationalize that the root of Arab suffering is tied to Western colonialism. By passively promoting a myth, you're not helping to find the solution that you verbally seek.

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They're only answerable to no one because the people who harbor them in their communities do NOTHING to throw out the criminal element. Instead, they encourage their existence in their midst.



I'm not quite sure how to reply to this because I'm not quite sure who you are referring to in particular, who is killing Americans. In the case of 9/11 for instance, weren't the hijackers all resident in the US for some months before the attack? Who could have informed on them in that case? Were their families back home aware of what they were going to do? I doubt that.

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